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The week in prep sports

By Brooklynn Wong Spring has sprung across the high schools of West Anaheim! Baseball, softball, and a couple of tennis, lacrosse and volleyball engagements are...

Dale Junior High to be honored for outstanding service to OC

OC Human Relations’ annual awards celebration brings together hundreds of residents, business and community leaders to celebrate justice, diversity and the human spirit On Thursday,...

Anaheim First completes second round of town hall meetings

Anaheim First has completed its second round of neighborhood town halls—one for each council district—as part of the Anaheim Community Assessment. A year ago,...

Connelly teacher and student awarded top Mock Trial honors

Cornelia Connelly School was honored to have Mock Trial Teacher Coach, Dorothy Morris, and student, Tahlia Garcia ’21, win top awards at the annual...

Disneyland to debut ‘Magic Happens’ parade February 28

New daytime spectacular will bring a joyous, regal and whimsical procession to guests of all ages at Disneyland Disneyland Resort will debut its all-new “Magic...

Attracting birds to your yard

By Richard Zembal, Natural Resources Director for the Orange County Water District A practicing wildlife biologist by choice, a naturalist, if you will, I took...

Quirk-Silva and Medina introduce legislation to increase college admission oversight

Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva, together with Assemblymember Jose Medina (D-Riverside) introduced Assembly Bill 1930, to protect students if any admission requirement policy changes are sought...

February: Bring Your Lunch & Learn at the Muzeo

On Wednesday, February 19, the Bring Your Lunch & Learn series at the Muzeo continues with “Women: Your Votes Count.” The women’s suffrage movement...

February at the Muzeo

To celebrate Black History Month there are a variety of programs and exhibits being offered at the Muzeo. Currently in the Lower Level Galleries...
Buena Park Independent