Reminder: vote!


By Brooklynn Wong

With the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary behind us and stealing the spotlight, don’t forget to vote in our very own California primary before or on March 3. I received my mail-in ballot about a week ago.

Our primary falls on “Super Tuesday,” a lot of delegates are at stake, and it will further help paint a picture of who the Democratic presidential nominee will be. 

Don’t overlook it and just vote in the general election in November. Every step of the process is important. You can vote with your mail-in ballot as long as it’s postmarked by March 3. Otherwise, you can vote in person at many locations in the city that day.

As important as the presidential election is, this year’s ballot, just like every year’s, contains a lot of smaller, close-to-home contests, including State Assembly members and ballot measures. 

Keep an eye out for your ballot, hold onto and consult all the political literature that’s getting mailed to your residence or use a website like ballotpedia to do some research, and vote early. Don’t underestimate the importance of the primary. Set aside a little time—it’s a relatively short ballot this go-round so really isn’t that big of a time sacrifice—and exercise your democratic right to vote. It’s one of the privileges of living in our great country.