Local roofing company donates services to Anaheim White House


New roof replaces leaky one that protects room where charity events are held

The Anaheim White House, a critically acclaimed Italian steakhouse housed in a historic mansion, was almost completely destroyed in a fire two years ago and was painstakingly rebuilt back to its glorious splendor. However, the restaurant’s banquet hall known as the West Wing, which is where many charity events take place, did not undergo the same extensive rehab. The leaky roof was never repaired and had deteriorated to the point where events had to be cancelled unless it was replaced—an expensive proposition to chef and owner Bruno Serato.

“The West Wing is where we hold so many of our fundraisers and special events for the kids,” said Serato, who also is founder and director of Caterina’s Club, which feeds some 5,000 children each day, finds home for those in need and helps at-risk youth find careers in the restaurant/hospitality field. “Facing such an unexpected cost to repair the roof would have set us back financially and could have resulted in postponement of charity events.”

When Jesse and Carolyn Martinson, owners of Surecoat Systems of California, heard about the damaged roof, they offered to help.

“We love what Bruno and Caterina’s Club team do to better our community so when we heard about their setback, we offered to help,” said Jesse, who said the West Wing’s flat roof creates an additional set of problems as water tends to pool there without proper drainage. “Among the challenges we faced was to restore the roof without damaging the beautiful ceilings or fixtures.”

The new roof donated by SureCoat Systems, features a specially designed roof coating system, developed by Martinson. They chose a blue color to reflect the sky since the roof can be seen from other rooftop areas. Using the roofing system eliminated the need for removing the old roof, which could have damaged the existing interior ceilings and fixtures. The SureCoat System provides a liquid applied roof with no seams, roof penetrations or joints, which can all be responsible for future leaks.

“The Martinsons came up with the perfect solution to create a beautiful new focal point,” concluded Serato. “We are thrilled with the new roof and the ease of installation. We are so thankful for their generosity. They are welcome for dinner anytime.”

For his humanitarian work, Serato has earned international publicity including profiles in People Magazine, CBS, NBC and CNN as well as newspapers and magazines the world over. Among his many honors: CNN Hero, knighted by the Italian government, knighted by the House of Savoy, Ellis Island Medal of Honor, papal blessing from Pope Francis, humanitarian award on the steps of the U.S. Capitol, and numerous proclamations, Man of the Year awards and other forms of recognition—all of which he accepts to generate public awareness of the needs of our most vulnerable population—our children. For more information, visit www.caterinasclub.org.