Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva commends upcoming Korean Summit and urges for continuous, peaceful...
In response to the planned United States and North Korea summit at the end of May 2018, Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva (D—Orange County) issued the...
DUI checkpoint nets five arrests
The Buena Park Police Department Traffic Unit conducted a DUI/Driver’s License checkpoint on March 17, St. Patrick’s Day, at the intersection of Beach Blvd....
Parolee sentenced to 60 years to life in prison
A parolee gang member was sentenced recently to 60 years to life in state prison for attempting to murder a Fullerton Police Department (FPD)...
OCDA announces formation of new chaplaincy program
The Orange County District Attorney’s Office (OCDA) announced the formation of its new Chaplaincy program recently, and appointed Lance Emma as the Head Chaplain...
College board endorses Quirk-Silva
65th Assembly District Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva recently announced receiving the endorsements from the president and several board members of the North Orange County Community...
Anaheim man sentenced to 56 years in state prison for sexually...
Raymond Martin Boykin, 22, of Anaheim, has been sentenced to 56 years and eight months in state prison for sexually assaulting two women and...
Orange County firefighters endorse Sunny Park
The Sunny Park for Buena Park City Council Campaign announced last week a major endorsement from the Orange County Professional Firefighters Local 3631. This...
OCTA selects firm to implement OC Express Lanes
Kapsch TrafficCom USA will integrate services for design, installation, and operation of 91 Express Lanes and 405 Express Lanes
The Orange County Transportation Authority has...
Don Wagner endorses Coronado for State Assembly
Irvine Mayor and former Assemblyman Don Wagner endorses Dr. Alexandria Coronado for 65th Assembly District Seat
Irvine Mayor and former California State Assemblyman Don Wagner...
School board trustee endorses Park
The Sunny Park for Buena Park City Council Campaign released a strong local endorsement recently from Centralia School Board Trustee Connor Traut. In endorsing...