54.2 F
Buena Park


Savanna got second win of season over Rancho Alamitos

In a home game on Friday, Aug. 24, the Rebels ran roughshod in the second half over the Vaqueros to a score of 37-14....

Jack-Jack escapes again during CANstruction Orange County

The Disneyland Resort Design and Engineering team CAN make an incredible difference for the Orange County Food Bank. Overnight on Aug. 31, they transformed...

Buena Park man sentenced to 107 years to life

Update: Ulises Omar De La Torre, 36, of Buena Park, has been sentenced for his crimes previously reported in The Independent. In 2014, he...

Buena Park median sales price up 7.4 percent

The median sales price for Buena Park has jumped 7.4 percent year over year in July and has risen by 14.4 percent since July...

Come celebrate Buena Park’s mystery and history

Boo-uena Park is in full swing for another season of mystery and history with the 2nd Annual Old Tyme Fall Festival presented by the...

Independent election editorial, letters policy

From now until the election on Nov. 6, the Independent will adhere to the following editorial policy for Letters to the Editor and guest...

Assistant coach from Anaheim sentenced for smoking with players

An assistant varsity softball coach has been sentenced to six months in jail for smoking marijuana with minor softball players. The coach is Tiffani Lee...

Miss Buena Park Scholarship Contest is underway

Sponsored by Soroptimist International of Buena Park By Loreen Berlin Soroptimist International of Buena Park recently held interviews for the 2018-2019 Miss Buena Park. The winner and...

Summer fades as music plays

Crowds gather at Buena Park Downtown, outside the Krikorian Theater, to take in the finale of the Summer Concert Series.

Coronado supporters gather at the new Republican Campaign HQ

By Gale Stoddard Dr. Alexandria Coronado, an experienced conservative leader for California, and a candidate for the 65th Assembly seat welcomed young and old supporters...
Buena Park Independent