50.2 F
Buena Park


Park defenders make their voices heard

By Brooklynn Wong Supporters of City Council Member Sunny Park came out in droves to the last City Council Meeting, on May 28, to defend...

Mercy House to operate BP Navigation Center

By Brooklynn Wong In its slow and steady march toward opening up a homeless shelter by the end of the year, the city of Buena...

Buena Park kicked Memorial Day off right

By Brooklynn Wong Buena Park does Americana and patriotism well, and these were on full display this Memorial Day, as the city held its 38th...

BP teacher reading to children in park again this summer

Gilbert Elementary School teacher and educator extraordinaire Leslee Milch has announced that she will once again read to local children at Bellis Park this...

Students run and jump for important causes

160 students helped raise funds for Friedreich’s Ataxia and Heart Disease St. Catherine’s Academy, (SCA) the oldest school in Orange County hosted a dual fundraiser...

Centralia’s students of color show extraordinary levels of academic achievement in...

District is one of three in OC to report exceptional results in the performance of traditionally underperforming specialized populations due to high quality of...

AESD features first elementary eSports curriculum in nation

When Cory Robertson was a kid, he would rush home after school and spend the evenings playing “The Legend of Zelda” and “Mario Brothers”...

Council takes next Navigation Center step by approving MOU

By Brooklynn Wong The city has taken the next step in establishing its Navigation Center, a homeless shelter in the industrial center in the northwest...

Councilwoman Park served with petition to recall

By Brooklynn Wong and Joseph L Campos Jr. City Councilwoman Sunny Park was served with a petition to recall at the May 14 City Council...

Cultivation Kitchen celebrates grand opening in Anaheim

Cultivation Kitchen, Orange County’s first greenhouse eatery located at Farmers Park (350 S Anaheim Blvd), a two-acre park and vibrant community gathering place adjacent...
Buena Park Independent