Buena Park National Little League holds positions meeting


The Buena Park branch of the National Little League held its general membership meeting on Monday, July 6 at Bellis Park. Several parents, players, coaches, and other league administrators were on hand to handle the evening’s festivities.

“We are here to hold a ‘blind vote,’ for various positions within the organization,” says Buena Park Little League President Jeremy Barton.  Barton has served as the league’s reigning president for  the past two seasons.

The Buena Park branch of the National Little League held its general membership meeting on Monday, July 6 at Bellis Park. Several parents, players, coaches, and other league administrators were on hand to handle the evening’s festivities.

“We are here to hold a ‘blind vote,’ for various positions within the organization,” says Buena Park Little League President Jeremy Barton.  Barton has served as the league’s reigning president for  the past two seasons.

“There are 15 new positions to fill. Two have already been filled and secured,” explains Barton. “Many of these men and women have been nominated, but now is the night where they can get the chance to officially accept their part in the organization. The first period of each of the terms is for a total of three years, but now we are going to be alternating the years. So far the positions of treasurer, secretary, vice president, and of course president are filled.”

The Buena Park National Little League season for winter ball starts up this September, while the league’s regular season starts up in March. “We are expecting over 215 children to be participating in this year’s season,” states Barton. “They will be ranging from age four to 14, and will be drafted to make up a total of 16 teams.”

Buena Park’s children have been really showcasing the rugged and rough heart of the city with their valiant top tier performances over the last two seasons, he added.

“We managed to finish in second place for the all-star game tournaments for two separate divisions within our league,” says Barton. “We also made it all the way to the championship game last season. We fought hard and battled through a lot that year, but we managed to make it all the way to the end. We would wind up losing in the big game by only one run. I am very proud of what we were all able to accomplish together.”

Barton advises anyone out there who wants to help, or donate to the league, that they can sign up and fill out an application on the Buena Park National Little League website.

“We need people to help out anyway that they can. We are always open to that,” explains Barton. “We need extra volunteers, coaches, umpires, snack bar attendants, score keepers, league administrators, so on and so forth.”

When asked to address any new comers to the league, and other players and parents who have not joined the league yet and are thinking about it, Barton had the following to say, “Just go for it! Baseball has a lot of great lessons to teach you. My motto is to just join the league and you will experience three things, learning how to be safe, learning something constructive, and most importantly, learning how to have fun.”

As the evening commenced forward, several of the league’s players from various teams showed up to the meeting to conduct a practice, and to showcase their skills to the coaches before the next season.