Wreaths Across America


In December, the annual Wreaths Across America Day Ceremony was held at the Memory Garden Memorial Park & Mortuary in Brea. It was the second year that the Buena Park Elks Lodge #2046 and the Fullerton Elks Lodge #1993 joined 200 plus other volunteers to pay tribute to our men and women who served our country, by placing 500 wreaths on the veterans’ gravesites.

The Buena Park Elks participated with other area groups in Wreaths Across America Day in December.

The National Wreaths Across America Day is a movement to cover all veterans grave markers with a Christmas wreath. Their mission is to remember, honor, teach and to ensure that their sacrifice is remembered yet again and passed on to a new generation of Americans.

In spite of the inclement weather that day, the Sons of the Revolution lined up in true formation along with their leader George Washington. Other re-enactment characters roamed the area wearing attire of that era. There were wreath presentations by some of the local service chapters and a guest speaker. Sonora High School Army ROTC retired the colors at the end of the ceremony.

If you are interested in sponsoring a wreath which cost $15 each, donations will be accepted at any time. Call Jack Ray, Buena Park Elks Veterans Service Chairman, at 562-941-7757.