What exactly is happening at BP City Hall Feb. 12?


A Town Hall Meeting on BP’s proposed homeless shelter; here’s what the public can expect

By Brooklynn Wong

In about a week and a half, Buena Park residents will have the chance to interact with the City Council on the topic of the proposed homeless Navigation Center on Lincoln.

As has been well documented, Judge David O. Carter has mandated that certain Orange County cities may not enforce their anti-camping laws until more shelters and beds are in place for the homeless that would be impacted.

Placentia and Buena Park have been identified as optimal cities in what is called the “North Service Planning Area” to host shelters.

Buena Park has acquired a former furniture store at 7101 Lincoln Ave., and over the past few months, has held an open house to provide the public with information about the proposed site, and addressed it at Council meetings.

In early January, a large group showed up to a City Council meeting to comment on the matter, but in such a forum, the Council could only listen to the public’s comments and not necessarily answer the questions.

It was determined that another meeting was needed, where the public and the Council could interact. 

The date is set for Feb. 12, in the City Council Chambers at 7 p.m., at the conclusion of the regular City Council meeting that will start at 5 that evening.

Assistant City Manager Aaron France said the meeting will last from 7-10 p.m. The first two hours will be a Q&A, where the Council can interact and answer people’s questions, and the final hour will be for public comment only, with no Council interaction.

It will be moderated by a third party yet to be announced. People will be presented with a list of Frequently Asked Questions upon entry, in hopes that that will provide some of the answers people are looking for.

But each question that the public does ask will be documented and put online later with an answer.

As for next steps, France says the city hopes to have the shelter up and running by this summer, but there is still lots of work to be done.

“There’s a lot of misconception out there that we’re pretty far along in the process,” France said. On the contrary, the city “just acquired the property” and there is still a significant amount of architecture and engineering work to be done to get the property in working order for its proposed purpose.

France also said, “This is all new for local government to be managing its own homeless shelter.”

He confirmed that this is not an issue that will be up for public vote; it is ultimately up to the discretion of the Council, though they will of course hear and take into consideration the feedback of their constituents.

Council member Connor Traut, who has deep family roots in Buena Park, said, “Residents and business owners have voiced legitimate concerns. I lived in that neighborhood for years and understand the frustration residents have with existing issues related to surrounding blight and safety. I am working with staff to get their concerns answered, including continuing to look for an alternative location.”

Council member Sunny Park said, “I have not formed any opinion about the Navigation Center at this point. We, as a community, are trying to look for the best solution, and we encourage people to come out on Feb. 12 to participate in the decision-making process for this important matter.”

Mayor Pro Tem Fred Smith said, “I have no comment at this time. I’m waiting until after the Feb. 12 meeting. [I am] waiting for more information from residents.”

The other Council members had not yet responded to a request for comment.

The meeting is Tuesday, Feb. 12, at 7 p.m. at 6650 Beach Blvd. As with all regular Council meetings, it will also be aired live on Spectrum Channel 3 and on the city website. It can be watched on demand on the city website afterwards as well.