Relay for Life raises awareness of cancer and money for a cure
By Loreen Berlin
The Buena Park Noon Lions raised more than $5,400 for the recent Relay for Life event held last weekend at Buena Park Junior High School.
And the Relay for Life event raised more than $40,000 so far, which includes the cities of Buena Park, Fullerton, Anaheim, La Habra, La Palma and Cypress.
The annual Relay for Life, which raises money and awareness for a cure for cancer, was held Saturday, June 2, through Sunday, June 3, where participants walked from 9 a.m. Saturday to 9 p.m. Sunday, with different team members walking non-stop, also bringing awareness to the fact that cancer never stops and so people from all walks of life must be vigilant in raising money to find a cure.
“The Relay raises money for research but most importantly to provide free services to survivors that are in treatment, like transportation to appointments; the program is called ‘Road to Recovery,’” said Buena Park Noon Lions Club Relay for Life Co-Chair Kari Schlagheck.
And Relay for Life money also helps to provide continuing free services to survivors who are in treatment and for the caregivers.
“Congratulations to all for a job well-done,” said Silverado Days General Chair Pat Donnelly. “Thanks Kari and Shannon [Milligan, Relay for Life Co-Chair] for your excellent leadership.”
Saturday, May 19, a Paint Nite fundraiser for the Relay for Life was held at the Buena Park Community Center where a professional artist assisted and inspired participants to create a masterpiece of art work, while socializing and sipping wine for a great cause. “We ended up painting fond memories and a priceless masterpiece,” said Schlagheck. “No art experience was needed and the donation of $45 was cheaper than an art class at a local college.”
The event was for a serious cause but was had throughout, to raise additional funds. One of the most exciting entertainment venues, to also help raise money, was a “Miss Relay for Life 2018” that was won by Lions Immediate Past Secretary Joe Rodehaver; his makeup was done by Lions Membership Chair Chris Brown, and he was escorted around the track by Miss Silverado 2017-2018 and her court members.
“He was a real beauty!” raved Donnelly with a big smile.
The Miss Relay 2018 was about a “make-over” of a male by each relay team, who then walked the track and collected money for their own team, with the made-over man who raised the most money being awarded the Miss Relay for Life 2018 crown.
There was an opening ceremony with Kelly Love singing the national anthem, followed by “God Bless the U.S.A.” and there were inspirational speeches by those who have fought and beaten cancer.
A Campsite Competition was held, where each area was judged on creativity and adherence to the theme. The Survivor Breakfast was sponsored by Holiday Inn and a theme lap included decorated cars, trucks, bikes and buses, where the best themed ride was selected for a prize.
The Boys & Girls Club of Buena Park provided a “Kids Camp,” and a Fight Back Program. There was blanket making, zumba and musical entertainment.
Sunday morning’s donation pancake breakfast was provided by the Kiwanis Club of La Palma.
Also co-chairing the Relay for Life event is Shannon Milligan and the Buena Park Noon Lions never stop collecting money for the great cause of cancer research, as its members donate to the City of Hope during their monthly meetings on the third Tuesday at the Knott’s Berry Farm Hotel.
Lions also assist the blind and hearing impaired and collect used eyeglasses that receive updated prescriptions and then are distributed to people who would not otherwise have eyeglasses.
In the past, Lions Club member Dr. Leo Uyeda has worked for years with eyeglass, traveling with other eye doctors to Mexico to help school children receive eyeglasses.
Guests are welcome to attend the monthly meetings; new members are invited and sponsored by a current member in good standing.
Silverado Days is the Buena Park Noon Lions Club’s largest fundraiser held the third weekend in October, which is set for Friday through Sunday, Oct. 19-21, and includes a 5K fun run/walk Saturday morning, which is spearheaded by Schlagheck. All monies raised during Silverado Days is turned back into the City in the form of Silverado Days Grants to those nonprofit groups who apply and are accepted, the following February during an invitation-only luncheon hosted by the Lions.
For Buena Park Noon Lions information and to sign up for the 5K run/walk at Silverado Days, visit www.SilveradoDays.com.