St. Irenaeus parishioners give valentines to residents of care center

Pictured is Grace Francis, head of the Care Facilities Ministry with a valentine.

By Rosemary Lewallen

At St. Irenaeus Parish in Cypress, Valentine’s Day is celebrated throughout the entire month of February. St. Irenaeus Health Ministry members asked parishioners to choose Valentine cards created by Junior High Peacemakers and deliver them in person any day during the month of February to residents of the five care centers that St. Irenaeus’ Health Ministry serves. These care centers are Sunrise Assisted Living in La Palma, Harvest Retirement in Buena Park, Genesis in Anaheim, Healthcare Center of Orange County in Buena Park, and Karlton Residential in Anaheim.

With the guidance of Youth Ministry Director Laura Benoit, Junior High Peacemakers made about 100 original valentines in January for residents of the care centers. The students hope that the valentine cards bring a smile to those who receive them.

Monica Kovach, facilitator of the Health Ministry Board, would like to thank the students who made the Valentine’s Day cards and all the parishioners who agreed to deliver them during the month of February. The card and the friendly visit means so much to those who live in the care centers. This Valentine’s Day outreach could only be possible with the caring response of St. Irenaeus parishioners.

For more information about the Valentine outreach at St. Irenaeus Church, please contact Monica Kovach at 310-490-6113.

Pictured left to right are parishioners Connie Ordanza, Terry Arenz, and Sylvia Valdez at the St. Irenaeus Valentine’s Outreach.
Pictured at St. Irenaeus Church’s patio area on Sunday, Feb. 5 are parish nurse Terry Arenz and parishioner Rick Tkach selecting Valentine’s Day cards to deliver to residents of care centers.