Snow Powder and Ice


Editor’s note: Vera Sidhwa is a local published poet. If you have a poem to contribute to the Poetry Corner, email it to

By Vera Sidhwa

My happy hand reached up to shake,

A branch laden with snow powder.

Indeed it seemed that God did make,

The snow that on me showered.

Sheets of round ice,

Showed reflections all around it.

It caused the pretty fairy’s smiling face,

To be shining in it.

It seemed the snow powder,

Belonged to the fairies.

I could see her smooth skin,

Worked with the flower puff it carries.

My breath so warm and smooth,

Blew forth,

In a hazy mist.

And there it swirled and swooshed in the cold mist.

I knew this land was not for me.

It belonged to the fairies,

For the fairy’s dances and swirls,

Reflected in the ice mirrors they carried.