OCTA’S Service Animal Training Day on April 7

By Eric Carpenter

The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) held a Service Animal Training Day on Saturday, April 7 in Anaheim. Special buses took the animals and their trainers between ARTIC transportation center near Angel Stadium and popular destinations such as Downtown Disney and Anaheim GardenWalk shopping center. The bus rides allowed the dogs and their trainers to practice getting on and off public buses and to familiarize the animal with other passengers and loud noises. More than 200 trainers and their service animals, from all parts of Orange County and beyond, participated in the event. OCTA Director Andrew Do, also Orange County’s First District Supervisor, attended the event as well, to get to know some of the trainers and their dogs.

A service dog on an OC Bus April 7
OCTA Director and First District Supervisor Andrew Do socializes with a service dog.
Service dogs prepare to enter a bus on OCTA’S Service Animal Training Day.