Scare school is in session at Knott’s Scary Farm


Knott’s Scary Farm starts Thursday, Sept. 25. Just get ready for a whole lot of scaring going on. The media received an invite by Knott’s Berry Farm to check out the behind-the-scenes at its 2014 Scare School is in Session tour on Tuesday, Sept. 16. Let me tell you, it’s was a lot of fun and a whole of creepiness going on.

Knott’s Scary Farm starts Thursday, Sept. 25. Just get ready for a whole lot of scaring going on. The media received an invite by Knott’s Berry Farm to check out the behind-the-scenes at its 2014 Scare School is in Session tour on Tuesday, Sept. 16. Let me tell you, it’s was a lot of fun and a whole of creepiness going on.

The media tour included looking over all the makeup and wardrobe, dropping in on the Dominion of the Dammed Scare School, a historical tour about Knott’s Scary Farm and several other mazes that can easily put frightful fear in you. Going through the Dominion of the Dammed Scare School is the one to watch out for.

Oh, to be sure, there will be ghouls, ghosts, maniacs, vampires and other unruly creatures roaming around the premise of Knott’s Scary Farm, but Dominion of the Dammed Scare School is very good at scaring the juice out of you. The maze is so tight and close, there are monsters waiting somewhere in the dark ready to spring out in front of you and put you into a scare coma.

The first couple of minutes going through the maze was pretty much a ho-hum experience.

But as you go further along in the tour things start popping up that the hair on the back of your neck start to rise and tell you it’s time to get out while the getting is good. I’m not a scare guy. I’m not a man with a faint heart.

But the truth of the matter that is some scary stuff in there, which why Knott’s Scary Farm has succeeded in bringing in tourists by the droves to come and inspect probably the best place that gives Halloween its credence. I’ve never experienced the transformation of Knott’s Scary Farm, but the just whiff of it at the Knott’s Scary Farm 2014 Scare School is in Session was enough to convince me to give it a try.