Receive Buena Park emergency alerts


Be the first to know when a major emergency or disaster strikes Buena Park! Registering for AlertOC allows the City to contact you directly, letting you know what has happened and how you can prepare and protect yourself.

AlertOC is a mass notification system operated by Orange County in collaboration with OC cities. It is designed to keep Orange County residents and businesses informed of emergencies and disasters.

The central purpose of AlertOC is to disseminate messages pertaining to the health, safety or welfare of the Buena Park community to its residents. By registering with AlertOC, you allow the city and county to send time-sensitive voice messages to your home, cell or business phone.

The system can also send text-based messages to cellphones, email accounts and receiving devices for the hearing-impaired.

Residents may also choose to subscribe to non-emergency messages from participating cities or agencies.

Recent disasters have shown us that alert and warning systems cannot work if the public does not participate. Over the past year, people have died in wildfires, floods and landslides because their city or county governments could not warn them in time. Buena Park’s only way to call your cellphone or other mobile device in an emergency, or to send you an email or text, is through AlertOC.

For more information and to sign up, please go to or call 714-628-7054.