Quirk-Silva applauds state budget proposal


Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva (D – Orange County) released the following statement after Gov. Jerry Brown released his initial budget proposal:

“The state’s ‘rainy day reserve,’ as proposed, is now at $13.5 billion,” said Quirk-Silva. “This prudent spending is vital for the California economy. Nonetheless, we need to ensure that these tax dollars continue to come back to the people of Orange County.”

“As a teacher for over 20 years, I know that the investments made in education will help Californians find the opportunities they deserve. I applaud the funding increases included in the proposed budget for K-12 schools, as well as higher education.”

The 2018 Budget proposes an ongoing increase of the $200 million Proposition 98 General Fund to establish a K-12 specific component of the Strong Workforce Program to encourage the establishment and support of K-12 CTE programs that are aligned with needed industry skills. This year, Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva joined with fellow legislators to introduce Assembly Bill 1743 (AB 1743) to continue funding for K-12 career technical education (CTE) through an extension of the Career Technical Education Incentive Grant (CTEIG) Program. These legislative efforts have resulted in funds proposed in the 2018 state budget.

“On Oct. 2 of 2017, I hosted a hearing at Buena Park High School to discuss the challenges facing the State’s CTE programs, including the need for ongoing funding for the Career Technical Incentive Grant Program,” said Quirk-Silva. “I thank the Governor for recognizing the importance of K-12 Career Technical Education.”

“CTE is a critical component of the robust K-12 education programs designed to ensure that students are well prepared for both college, and a career.”

The Jobs Committee, since last year, has been working on Assembly Bill 1716 (AB 1716) to extend California Competes Tax Credit for five years. Now, for the benefit of Orange County Small Businesses, and job creation, there is funding in place in the 2018 state budget.

“As Chair of the Jobs Committee, I support the efforts to better provide educational and workforce training opportunities to California residents, and I think that workforce depends upon an educated and thriving middle class.”

“The continuation of the California Competes Tax Credit is important to the state’s long term economic growth and supports the upward mobility of California workers,” said the Chair of the Assembly Committee on Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy.  “Just last week, I cohosted a highly successful workshop with over 40 manufacturing businesses in Orange County.”

“We need to continue improving education, and job opportunities; by doing so we will reduce the number of Californians living in poverty, and improve their quality of life. We need the continual and full funding to prepare all students for success in college, and for their careers. I look forward to working with the Governor on these complex issues.”