Project HERO helps Magnolia families thrive

Thrivent Financial Community Outreach

Project HERO (Homeless Education Renewing Opportunities) is a program in Magnolia School District that has provided a range of outstanding services to students and families within our community.  Project HERO’s primary goals are to ensure student school enrollment, academic success, and school stability.  Established in 2009, this project ensures homeless children have all educational rights and protections established under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.

Project HERO develops strong partnerships between the school, the community, and families.  Generous partners include the Anaheim Police Department Cops 4 Kids, Salvation Army of Anaheim, Sarang Community Church, Child Shuttle, and Catholic Charities of Orange County.  These powerful partnerships have provided help to house 63 families in the past three years!

2017 was a phenomenal year for services provided through Project HERO:

Over 250 students were welcomed to school by the Assistance League of Anaheim, where they provided school clothing and a backpack filled with hygiene and school supplies.

150 families started the school year with donated backpacks filled with school supplies provided by the Rotary Club of Anaheim.

109 parents graduated from the SparkPoint Financial Literacy Program which helps families become financially self-sufficient.

Over 1000 families are getting fresh fruits and vegetables on a monthly basis through the Second Harvest School Pantry, which grew from 1 school site to 8 schools sites this school year.

Over 300 students receive weekend healthy meals on a weekly basis from Giving Children Hope (GCH).

30 students who participated in an essay contest were awarded bicycles by GCH in collaboration with Thrivent Financial Community Outreach.

In 2017, Project HERO was recognized by the Mayor and City Council Members of the City of Anaheim for their work with students who are homeless. Project HERO has many successes, but this work cannot be done alone.  We are thankful to the families, our partners and the dedication of our educators!

Dr. Frank Donavan, Magnolia Superintendent states that  “We are so proud of the Project HERO staff members and the work they do each and every day to improve the lives our students and families.”

Second Harvest School Pantry
SparkPoint Financial Literacy Program graduation
Giving Children Hope gives healthy meals for weekends.