Post-holiday Buena Park trash information


Relax, we know Christmas is just getting started. But when the merry day has come and gone, keep the following city trash information in mind for your holiday clean up. Courtesy of the City of Buena Park:

Extra holiday boxes and trash:

EDCO Disposal will pick up extra holiday boxes and trash on your collection day beginning Wednesday, Dec. 26, through Monday, Dec. 31. This is a special service for one week only. If you have extra boxes that won’t fit in your waste containers, break them down and tie together with string or tape. If you have extra holiday trash, such as wrapping, packaging, etc., place it in a plastic bag. Set the overflow items beside your waste containers for pickup. Please do not place the overflow items in the street or in your waste containers if the lids will not close.

Christmas trees:

Christmas trees will be collected curbside on your normal service day beginning Dec. 26 for a period of two weeks. Please remove nails, stands and decorations from the tree and place it curbside next to your green waste container. If the tree is more than six feet tall, please cut it in half. If you miss the Christmas tree curbside pickup, please cut the tree in several sections and place it in your green waste container for regular collection. Flocked and artificial trees should not be placed in your green waste containers.

Trash pickup schedule:

Regularly scheduled trash pickup will be delayed one day beginning Christmas Day through Saturday, Dec. 29. The regular schedule resumes on Monday, Dec. 31, but will then be one day late again beginning Jan. 1, through Saturday, Jan. 5. If your regularly scheduled trash pickup occurs on Friday, collection will take place on Saturday.