Panlasigui article lauds college benefits


Buena Park Middle School 8thgrader Christine Panlasigui received high honors and the right to have her article about why college is so important in the school’s newspaper, The Chronicle.

Each year Journalism Teacher Naery Cho selects one paper, and Panlasigui was selected because of her content and grammar.

She thinks that college planning she start at an early age.

Buena Park Middle School 8thgrader Christine Panlasigui received high honors and the right to have her article about why college is so important in the school’s newspaper, The Chronicle.

Each year Journalism Teacher Naery Cho selects one paper, and Panlasigui was selected because of her content and grammar.

She thinks that college planning she start at an early age.

“Wouldn’t it be nice that as early as in junior high school, teens are linked to colleges, careers, and beyond as a head start in planning life after high school? Middle school is a moment in a teen’s life when he or she simply plays around and never really thinks about the future.  But everyone, at some point in his or her life, has to make this decision of where to apply for college and what course to major.  On Thursday, April 25, Buena Park Junior High School will be collaborating with Buena Park High School in hosting its annual College Night from 5 until 6:30p.m.  The objective of the college fair is to assist students and their families with resources and information to guide them to become productive citizens in this diverse and competitive world with a career that optimizes their interest and passion.  Representatives from various colleges and universities will give brief overviews about their institutions, programs, admission requirements, and financial-aid requirements in the school cafeteria.  Some of the colleges attending include CSU Los Angeles, and Fullerton, New York Film Academy, Fullerton College, UCI, National University, and Woodbury Academy, just to name a few.   Vital Link Career booths will be set up in the gymnasium for all to see.  Vital Link “provides hands-on, career exploration experiences…helping them carve out their own career path.”  There will also be a taco dinner sale for attendees.  Choosing a career path to take up in college is one of the most important decisions a student makes.  Attending the BPJHS/BPHS College Night will not only be a fun event but also an interactive and beneficial learning experience for the students and parents.”

College is very important to Panlasigui, and that inspired her work.

“It is very important that students understand that college is a key to success,” she said. “Nowadays, it is very hard to get a job with just a high school diploma. A college degree gives an advantage.”

Math and English are Panlasigui’s favorite subjects.

“English is great because I love to write,” she said. “Math is fun because I like to solve problems. It is the end-result that really makes me happy.”

Writing is a vehicle to express feelings, Panlasigui said, and that spurs on her efforts.

“Creative writing is relaxing to me,” she said. “It work allows me to step outside of my box and experiment.”

A good meeting with college representatives is crucial to Panlasigui, moving forward.

“This is only available to 8thgraders,” she said. “Once you start high school you should be thinking about what you want to be when you grow up. Getting started in 8th  grade gives us a head start.”

Panlasigui said right now her two career choices are business and biomedical engineering.

“Last year I went to an engineering girls camp for a week and I thought it was very interesting,” she said. “I am also interested in business and got involved with the associated student body at school.”

If she had to pick today, accounting would be her career choice.

“I really like math,” Panlasigui said. My guidance counselor and parents now about my choices. They are my mentors.”

High school makes her both excited and scared.

“I am going to be the youngest one there,” Panlasigui said.

Principal Luisa Rogers called her an outstanding young lady.

She is involved in everything on campus,” she said. “Christine finished 13th in the Scripps Howard Spelling Bee and also performs. She will probably be singing at our promotion ceremony.”

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