Noon Lions give Silverado Days grants at annual Grants Luncheon

Grant recipients and Lions leaders at the 2019 Annual Silverado Days Grants Luncheon.

By Pat Donnelly, Silverado Days General Chair

Silverado Days 2018, “A Harvest of Service,” was indeed a celebration of family fun. Silverado Days is a very unique event. Why unique, you may ask?

Well, it is administered by an all-volunteer organization, the Buena Park Noon Lions Club, working on behalf of the City of Buena Park. The City Council, Police Department, Community Services Department, Public Works and the City Administration Staff, are vital to our success.

Other organizations have joined with us over the years, organizing some of our events and contests. We recognized these folks recently at the annual Silverado Days Luncheon who are so vital to the success of Silverado Days and say thank you.

The efforts of the city staff, Lions Club members and Miss Silverado and her court members and those who participate with the food, events and games, make Silverado Days what it is today.

In addition to the grants we handed out at the luncheon, Silverado Days offers a venue for local nonprofit groups to raise funds by selling food, and managing games. This alone provides a source of funds for their organization. The participation in the annual Lions Opportunity Drawing by schools and other nonprofits provides an opportunity for them to earn tens of thousands of dollars annually. 

Our Grants Program distributes the proceeds from Silverado Days to our local nonprofit organizations and has been very successful since 1972.

This year’s grants will bring out total distribution to date to $1,342,800. This does not include the millions of dollars earned by our Nonprofit Game and Food booth operators.

The Grants Program was developed to distribute the reaming funds to the community after bills are paid.

We would like to acknowledge Lion Laura Rodehaver for her dedication to chairing this program and being our current Club President, as it is not an easy job.

Grants were handed out by our Lions Club Treasurer and Silverado Days Treasurer Dale Eichman.

As each organization or nonprofit’s name was called, Eichman presented them with a sealed envelope at the podium and then a group picture was taken of all of the 2018 recipients and will be posted online.

Miss Silverado Scholarships were presented by Chairperson Lion Deborah Donnelly to Miss Silverado and her court members.

Buena Park Silverado Days 2018 has officially closed and the Buena Park Noon Lions are actively working on this year’s 2019 city-sponsored event, which is set for the third weekend in October, Friday through Sunday, Oct. 18-20.

Some history about Silverado Days includes: In 1972 the Buena Park City Council asked the Noon Lions to administer the event as it had fallen on hard times.

Silverado Days is pretty much a full-time job; as it grows there is more and more to do to continue with an event that grows and is always searching for new things to add to the Silverado Days weekend.

This year, we, along with our current contests and events, are looking at an “American Cornhole Tournament” for Saturday morning. This is new and should be great fun.

Buena Park is a special place in Southern California. It is the center of the southland, and home of America’s first theme park—Knott’s Berry Farm.

Silverado Days is also a special event. Generations come to Silverado Days every year, bringing their children, grandchildren, and yes, great grandchildren to share an event that they enjoyed when they were young. For many, it is an annual family affair.

Unlike most festival events, Silverado Days is not designed to make mountains of money but rather it is an opportunity for the citizens of the greater Buena Park area to come together for a weekend of community celebration. You can actually attend Silverado Days and enjoy the events and the entertainment and not spend a dime.

The Buena Park Noon Lions motto is “We serve,” and Silverado Days fits that motto.

Our partnership with the city is legendary among Lions Clubs. Silverado Days pins are traded around the world and cherished because of their limited number.

The Lions Club was founded in 1917 by Melvin Jones who said, “You can’t get very far in life until you start doing something for somebody else.”

Today there are 46,000 clubs worldwide, with 1.4 million members in 200 countries. Lions International is the largest service organization in the world.

Wherever there is a need, there is a Lions Club. If you think that was a plug for the Lions Club, you’re darned right it was. But Buena Park is blessed by not only the Lions Club, but other service organizations that contribute significantly to the wellbeing of our community, and are part of Silverado Days. Many were with us at the Luncheon.

Once again, Silverado Days is the third weekend in October. This year our theme is a collaboration with the Buena Park Police Department, as well recognize their Pink Patch Project and the fight against breast cancer.

The Chairman of the Pink Patch Project is Detective David Pantoja, with the logo for 2019 featuring Silverado Sam, aka Lion Don McCay, wearing one of the pink patches along with a pink ribbon.

Our 2019 theme for Silverado Days is “Never stop the fight.”

Buena Park Police Chief Corey Sianez and Miss Silverado Rachel Jensen unveiled the new pin at the Luncheon.