New and improved medians coming soon?


By Brooklynn Wong

When one considers the aesthetics of a city, medians might not be the first thing that come to mind, but Buena Park has been considering its for some time.

Beautifying the medians along part of Beach Boulevard, Buena Park’s main entertainment corridor and most heavily-traveled stretch, has been an initiative discussed among the City Council for some time now.

At the Jan. 22 City Council meeting, Associate City Engineer Jeff Townsend presented a new step in this process. The city will partner with Starlight Survey, Inc. and ATM Topo Maps to take aerial photographs of the stretch to get an overall survey of the area and to see how much square footage there is before work is begun.

The stretch is that of Beach Boulevard between Rosecrans Avenue and 9th Street, which extends from the city’s northern border with La Mirada to central Buena Park, stopping at where Beach Boulevard and the 5 freeway cross. This stops shy of The Source, Pirate’s Dinner Adventure, Porto’s, Medieval Times and Knott’s Berry Farm, but includes the Auto Center and the city’s Korean-concentrated area in the north.

The aerial survey process will cost approximately $20,202 and will require a budget amendment from the one-time General Fund revenues.

Townsend was questioned a bit as to whether this is the most cost-effective way to survey the land. He assured that, yes it is, and it would “cost a lot more” for surveyors to come out and measure the whole thing.

The Council voted unanimously to approve moving forward with the survey.