Neighbors want catwalk near mall closed


By Brooklynn Wong

A catwalk has been causing some frustration among residents in the city, and they have taken action.

Near Maple Drive just south of Buena Park Downtown, there is a walkway that has been attracting some unsavory characters and illicit activity.

Two men who reside in the area came to this week’s City Council Meeting, voiced some concerns, said they would like the catwalk cleaned up or closed, and presented a petition signed by many of their neighbors who feel the same way. They gave the petition to city staff.

The men said there is gang and drug activity that goes on there, there is frequently new graffiti on the walls, people defecate, and the scent of marijuana lingers in the area.

One of the men said he believes underage drinking goes on there, and as for lighting, it’s “kinda lit” but not sufficiently to make one feel safe at night if passing through.

One of them said the people that hang out in the catwalk sometimes sit on his wall or burn foliage that hangs over into his yard, and when he has confronted them over these and other things, they have threatened to retaliate against him. He lives there with his wife and children.

They said the city sometimes comes and cleans it up, but more is needed.

They are pushing to have it closed permanently.

It was not clear whether the individuals who loiter there are transients, juveniles or both.