Needy moms take nutrition classes


Laughter filled the air as a group of low-income We’ve Got Your Back (WGYB) mothers learned the first steps of creating a well-balanced nutritional meal. These moms are eagerly learning how to better provide for their children through nutrition. GCHope’s dream for each WGYB family is that each backpack would be a stepping stone to sustainable hope. Nutrition classes for any parent who wants to learn is our next stepping stone.

Laughter filled the air as a group of low-income We’ve Got Your Back (WGYB) mothers learned the first steps of creating a well-balanced nutritional meal. These moms are eagerly learning how to better provide for their children through nutrition. GCHope’s dream for each WGYB family is that each backpack would be a stepping stone to sustainable hope. Nutrition classes for any parent who wants to learn is our next stepping stone.

The first class in the 5-week series was entitled “Create a Healthy Plate,” where moms learned to focus on healthy meal options, including creatively incorporating fruits and vegetables into their meals. Parents who complete the 5-week class will be encouraged to become peer-to-peer facilitators in future classes and will receive vouchers for our Giving For Living Donation Center. “It’s ideal when nonprofits collaborate,” says Sanchez. “Working independently we can provide for their basic needs but working together we can truly affect poverty and build stronger communities.”

The class is presented in conjunction with Community Action Partnership, a nonprofit that works to eliminate and prevent the causes and effects of poverty through educational programs. Community Action Partnership runs a variety of programs in Orange County, including “Move More, Eat Healthy” and “Nutrition Education, Obesity Prevention,” sponsored by Orange County Health Care Agency and St. Jude Hospital.

The first series was such a success that a second level of courses will be offered to the graduates beginning March 3. The next 5-week beginner course starts Feb. 27 with a waiting list of mothers eager to join.  In addition to nutrition classes, GCHope is partnering with US Bank to hold a Financial Literacy workshop with an emphasis on college readiness for the WGYB families as well. GCHope is proud to be the connecting puzzle piece for these families who desire help and those willing to provide it.