Mayor’s Corner


Round town with the mayor

By Virginia Vaughn

Mayor Vaughn attended the recent Pop Gun Rerun concert in Buena Park.
Mayor Vaughn at the ribbon cutting for the Pizza Press.

Aug. 2—Pizza Press at The Source Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. There is a delicious new eatery at The Source and it’s all about the pizza pie! I attended the ribbon cutting ceremony for Pizza Press, a restaurant franchise that focuses on providing its customers with the tools to make their own pizza creations, and enjoyed a pizza too. The restaurant is now open for business, so stop by today to try your hand at making a pizza creation made with all your favorite locally-sourced fixings.

Aug. 6—Buena Park Collaborative Meeting. On the first Monday of each month, the Buena Park Collaborative meets at the Buena Park Police Department community room to discuss the issues of our community and develop solutions to help alleviate these problems. Recently, the group developed a five-year strategic plan that focuses on four main challenges affecting our City: Healthy Eating, Active Living (HEAL); Supporting our Underserved; College and Career Readiness; and School Attendance and Citizenship. I regularly attend these meetings and community events to help make a difference in our ever-growing and changing community.

Aug. 7—National Night Out. Each year, Target and the Buena Park Police Department team up to host National Night Out, which is an event designed to strengthen communities by encouraging interaction between citizens and local enforcement agencies. This year’s event included police exhibitor booths, police and SWAT vehicles, the department’s two K9 dogs, community partner booths and so much more. The best part of the event was that the first 250 children who attended received a huge goodie bag that included school supplies from Target. I really enjoyed seeing all the children having fun with our Police Department and making those meaningful connections that are so important to our community.

Aug. 8—Pop Gun Rerun, an ‘80s Tribute at Buena Park Downtown. Last Wednesday night, I enjoyed flashing back to the ’80s with Pop Gun Rerun. It was a great crowd turnout and the audience seemed to really enjoy the band. There are still two more concerts to go to at Buena Park Downtown during the Buena Park Summer Concert series. Visit for more information.

Aug. 9—Kyung Bok Kung Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. A new restaurant has opened on Beach Boulevard in the Entertainment Corridor. Just south of Rock & Brews, Kyung Bok Kung Restaurant specializes in high-quality Korean barbecue in a beautiful setting. The restaurant is also available for special occasions such as weddings or business meetings. Last Thursday, we joined the owners in a special ribbon cutting ceremony that officially opened the restaurant for business.

Upcoming City events:

-Aug. 17 to 25—Buena Park Civic Theatre presents “Xanadu”

-Aug. 18—Super Senior Saturday

-Aug. 19—Final Summer Concert at Buena Park Downtown—“Grand Finale with Paperback Writer”

-Aug. 28—City Council Meeting

-Sept. 10—Buena Park Police Officers Association Fallen Four Golf Tournament

-Sept. 11—City Council Meeting

-Sept. 15—Memorial Grove Dedication Ceremony

-Sept. 25—City Council Meeting

-Sept. 29—Boo-uena Park Old Tyme Fall Festival