Luis ‘Jerry’ Flores announces candidacy for school board


By Luis “Jerry” Flores

My family immigrated to the United States with a dream and willingness to work hard. After many years of sacrifice, including picking up cans just to pay rent, we opened our first restaurant in West Anaheim. When my sister got bullied, I became motivated to get involved in the Centralia School District with the purpose to help kids in our community have a safe, healthy learning environment.

It is that motivation—to make a difference in the lives of children and their families—which excites me to announce my candidacy for the Centralia School District Board of Trustees. I am grateful to be endorsed by every current Centralia School District Trustee: President Henry Charoen, Vice President Elizabeth Gonzalez, Trustee Steve Harris, Trustee Arturo Montez and Trustee Connor Traut.

I currently serve the Centralia School District as Chair of our Bond Oversight Committee, where I supported a local hire agreement that guarantees priority to construction project jobs to local residents. In addition to helping my family run our local small business, I am also a certified tax preparer through VITA and United Way, where I prepare taxes for low income families for free.

As Trustee, I will work to: integrate after school programs like Boys & Girls Club to our elementary schools, provide resources to help parents become active in their child’s education, introduce students to new career opportunities in trades and technology, prevent bullying by identifying behavioral issues early and providing support and budget responsibly to prepare for economic downturns and avoid deficits.

I ask for your support of my campaign to serve as your next Trustee.