By Vickie Wagstaff

Ken Wert of Buena Park has been named as a Bishop of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He will serve as the spiritual leader of the Buena Park congregation in the Cypress California Stake. Local Church membership totals approximately 3,000 with worldwide Church membership more than 16 million.

“My initial reaction to being called as a new bishop was something akin to the emotional equivalent of a 747 falling out of the sky,” said Wert. “I wasn’t expecting it at all. After the initial shock, I’ve started feeling really good about being the bishop of this congregation.”

Wert continued, “I still feel humbled but I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve the Lord in this unique capacity. I’m being asked to serve a congregation filled with members I already love, respect and admire. That part of my calling will be easy.”

In response to what he would like to accomplish, Wert said, “To become disciples of Christ and fishers of men is what I hope to make the central theme of my bishopric. I plan on having ongoing conversations about what it means to us; what that would look like in a family, between friends, in a neighborhood or community, as a congregation and as individuals,” he said. “I like how one General Authority of the Church, Dieter F. Uchtdorf, said it, ‘Love is the measure of our faith, the inspiration for our obedience and the true altitude of our discipleship.’ When we love the Lord, we desire to be like Him. Discipleship is a life-long journey that begins where we are today. The direction we are pointed, matters more than where we are right now and that we are moving forward to become more Christ-like.”

Wert replaces outgoing Bishop Brent Brodowski of Buena Park. Bishop Brodowski served the congregation in Buena Park for five years. Assisting Wert, as counselors are Wayne Bird and Scott Locken. Brian Jenkins will serve as the congregation’s executive secretary. All members of the bishopric are residents of Buena Park.

Wert has been married to his wife Jane for nearly 29 years. They have two children and three grandchildren. Like all leaders in the Church, Wert will serve voluntarily and without pay. For the past 18 years, Wert has been teaching Economics and Advanced Placement U.S. Government to high school seniors at Santiago High School in Garden Grove, a job that he said he loves. He will continue his employment as he serves in his new volunteer capacity.

First Counselor Wayne Bird has been married to his wife Linda for 46 years. They have four sons and 16 grandchildren. He is semi-retired but still substitute teaches in the Centralia School District. The Bird family have been residents of Buena Park for 41 years.

Second Counselor Scott Locken has been married to his wife Tristen for eight years. They have two daughters. Locken is a Physical Therapist in Tustin. He grew up in Huntington Beach and his wife grew up in La Palma.

Brian Jenkins, Executive Secretary, has been married to his wife Becki for nine years. They have three children. Both grew up in the same congregation in which they now serve.