Knott’s raises over $130,000 for Susan G. Komen Orange County


Knott’s Berry Farm and Susan G. Komen Orange County partnered for a third year to raise $130,588 for breast cancer awareness, services and research in Orange County during the 2016 Knott’s for the Cure. From Jan. 4 through March 18 Pink tickets were available for purchase online, and limited edition t-shirts were sold in the park.

Knott’s Berry Farm and Susan G. Komen Orange County partnered for a third year to raise $130,588 for breast cancer awareness, services and research in Orange County during the 2016 Knott’s for the Cure. From Jan. 4 through March 18 Pink tickets were available for purchase online, and limited edition t-shirts were sold in the park.

A portion of admissions and merchandise proceeds benefited Susan G. Komen Orange County. The three month promotion raised funds to provide underserved and underinsured women and men in Orange County with access to breast health care and services.

Knott’s and Komen are committed to raising awareness and vital funds that will provide local access to breast health and breast cancer services for women and men. This year’s campaign focused on the promise that Komen founder Nancy G. Brinker made to her dying sister, Susan G. Komen: that she would do everything in her power to end breast cancer forever.

In an effort to spread awareness, Knott’s Berry Farm and Komen Orange County invited guests to share their “for the cure promises” with social media using #KnottsPink. The promotion also provided guests with the opportunity to enjoy Knott’s world class entertainment, attractions and specially-themed pink décor, while supporting a great cause.

The Calico Mine Ride and Knott’s 312’ tall Supreme Scream were lit pink in honor of the promotion and the drop tower overlooking the city of Buena Park glowed pink for miles around the park.