Keeping faith with Californians, Quirk-Silva releases 7th year of tax returns in a row


By Matt Reilly

Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva released her tax returns to media outlets on April 17, again citing her commitment to open, transparent government and the belief that leaders who are open and transparent in their own financial dealings can help to restore Californians’ faith in their government.

“As an elementary school teacher, I always thought that inspiration, confidence and hope were the most important things I could give to the students I served. Same goes for serving as an elected official,” said Quirk-Silva. “I want people to trust that we’re fighting for them, for what’s right, serving them not ourselves.

“That’s why Jesus and I are again opening up our taxes for public scrutiny. We want our fellow taxpayers to know we play by the same rules and are paying our fair share,” said Quirk-Silva. “It’s important for our credibility, for state government’s credibility, and for restoring people’s confidence in elected officials in an age of division and distrust.”

For 2017, Quirk-Silva derived income from her work as an assembly member and from substitute teaching elementary school in the Fullerton Unified School District. Quirk-Silva has previously released tax returns spanning 2011 through 2016.

She and her husband, Jesus Silva, file jointly. The couple released their entire returns. The only information withheld pertained to personal information such as social security numbers and the names of their children.