July at Muzeo


July is a busy month at Muzeo Museum and Cultural Center. A free exhibit, “Brush Strokes,” featuring traditional and contemporary Asian calligraphy with seal stone carvings by Young Hoon Kim opens July 8 through August 20 in the Carnegie gallery. There will be a public opening reception on July 8 at 2 p.m.

July is a busy month at Muzeo Museum and Cultural Center. A free exhibit, “Brush Strokes,” featuring traditional and contemporary Asian calligraphy with seal stone carvings by Young Hoon Kim opens July 8 through August 20 in the Carnegie gallery. There will be a public opening reception on July 8 at 2 p.m.

Also free in the Carnegie gallery from July 15 through August 20 is “YEDA / Crops of Love.” This exhibit will display student work and sculptures and other art by renowned artist Hyunae Hong Kang (www.hyunkaekang.com). Sale of the art enables the students and their teacher to support a school art program they started in Malawi, Africa.

The Lunch and Learn series continues on Wednesday, July 12 at 11:30 a.m. with a free (with RSVP) one-hour presentation on Anaheim's Cops4Kids program by board member Joe Vargas, who will discuss Cops4Kids, Youth Services, the Junior Cadet Program, the Anaheim Police Explorer Post and more. Cops4Kids was established to serve all children between the ages of 5 and 17 who live in or attend school in Anaheim. The aim of the program is to develop the foundational qualities of respect, responsibility, and discipline by providing structured programs that foster a positive relationship between police and youth. Please arrive by 11:15 a.m., the program starts promptly at 11:30 in the Carnegie Building and concludes at 12:30 p.m. Feel free to bring your lunch. RSVP to clatham@muzeo.org. 

On Friday, July 14 at 6 p.m., Muzeo will host a high-energy auction-raffle Quartermania fundraiser. Tickets are $35 per person and include heavy appetizers, desserts, one opportunity drawing ticket and one auction paddle. Extra paddles are $5 each. There will be over 50 items (including men's items), opportunity drawings and silent auctions. A cash bar will be available for guests 21+ with I.D.. Vendors include Tastefully Simple, Tomboy Tools, Damsels in Defense, Tupperware, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Pampered Chef, LuLaRoe, Partylite and Origami Owl. Funds raised benefit Muzeo Museum and Cultural Center's mission to engage the community in exploring and celebrating our diverse heritage, culture, and arts through creative programming. Quartermania tickets must be purchased in advance through www.muzeo.org. 

Muzeo's free monthly Open Book is July 20 from 6 to 8 p.m., and features author E.A. Padilla, who will talk about his action-filled political novel, “Tunnels.” Starting inside the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea at the precise moment an invasion tunnel is discovered, “Tunnels” traces the ongoing game of cat and mouse as double agents, civilians, and military recruits work to expose true deep seated reasons for the conflict between North and South Korea. Open Book is free (with RSVP) and includes readings, open discussion, and an opportunity to purchase books and have them signed by the author. RSVP to clatham@muzeo.org. 

On July 29 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., local nonprofit Science Heads Inc. will be setting up their Mobile Observatory at Muzeo. Families are invited to come down for a free learning experience (first-come-first-served basis) featuring a real working telescope and NASA's interactive 3D Eye on the Solar System program. Artist Jack Knight will also be on site for a free paint session.