Internationally known Christian evangelist visits March 30 – April 2


By Joseph L. Campos

World-renowned Christian pastor, evangelist, and best-selling author, Yongdoo Kim is making a stop in Buena Park as part of his Holy Fire Revival tour. Kim and his wife, Hyunja Kang, will be holding a four-day event at The Lord’s Church Of America from March 30 to April 2. The church services will start at 8 p.m. each night and the final Sunday service will take place at 2 p.m. Local branch Reverend Sungjee Cho and his wife, Seounghee Cho, will also be on hand to host the event.

“This whole movement started decades ago back in Incheon, South Korea on the outskirts of Seoul,” explained Reverend Cho. “Yongdoo Kim had been serving for 20 years as an associate pastor of a small family church called Lord’s Church.  At the time, his wife had been severely ill. Pastor Kim had the congregation pray for her. Through the healing power of Jesus Christ, she recovered. Pastor Kim’s strong faith and influence helped make the church grow and as more people started coming to the church, they were then able to build an education department and a school.”

Pastor Kim would eventually go off to plant his own church, but initially, did not achieve the same success. It was at this time that Jesus Christ spoke to his heart and told him to pray harder for the spiritual gifts of Pentecost. It was a humbling experience. “This was around this time when everything changed,” said Reverend Cho. “One night during a New Year’s Eve Prayer Service, a powerful presence filled the church and strange miracles started to happen. The congregation’s spiritual eyes opened and Jesus Christ actually appeared. Christ gave Pastor Kim and his Congregation visions of both Heaven and Hell and told him clearly to cast the Holy Spirit’s fire to the world.

This is in direct reference to Acts 2:1-21 and Jesus Christ’s gifts of The Fire of Pentecost that He bestowed on His disciples after He reappeared to them alive days after His crucifixion. Most notably the part where it says, “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

Reverend Cho continued, “Jesus Christ told Pastor Kim and the congregation, ‘do this so people can feel revived.’ Jehovah also told him to write a book chronicling both his and the church’s divine experiences.” This book would eventually be titled, “Baptize By Blazing Fire,” and would become a best seller worldwide, while also being translated into 20 languages.

This wasn’t all that Jesus Christ said as he manifested as an apparition before the church during the New Year’s event. Jesus Christ told Pastor Kim, and the others to give their testimony and to awaken the Church worldwide,” states Reverend Cho. “Christians in this generation are far too complacent and cannot enter into Heaven if they continue to choose to live in sin. We all as people need to make a change for the better. Christ then gave Pastor Kim and the Congregation visions of Hell and warned them that their hearts have grown too stubborn to listen. Christ said that they needed to be shocked straight.”

Pastor Kim’s book, “Baptize By Blazing Fire,” is one of a series of seven books documenting the church’s encounters with Christ and the nether realm. Each book thoroughly explains and gives details of Heaven, biblical secrets, scriptural prophecies, the importance of prayer, the importance of doing good deeds, and the power of the spiritual gifts that are given to believers.

According to the Cho’s, the conferences restore people spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, receiving healing from the inside out. The Revival Events are also very popular amongst folks because of the emphasis on praying for the divine healings of the sick.

“Our dream is to help all people in need and to save many souls in the process. We want people’s faith to grow deep, and for them to learn more about the spiritual realm. We are in the end times and now is the time for the entire world to be spiritually awakened. Whether you are a believer or not, the real truth is that we all eventually die. People need to have hope that Heaven is real, and that solving the problem of uncovering your destiny is the most important one. As human beings, we need to prepare for eternal life.  Look, people in this realm have insurance, but they often don’t have eternal life insurance if you catch my drift. So, with this being said, Jesus Christ is the only real insurance that we have,” Mrs. Cho shared.

Reverend Cho and Mrs. Cho, along with their sons Sam and Martin, welcome all of Orange County, and the rest of SoCal to their Christian Revival Conference featuring a special appearance from Pastor Kim and his wife Hyunja Kang. If there is anyone who wants to come to celebrate the Gospel, to be prayed for, or to experience something new and profound, they can learn more at