Insider tips from OC Fair’s biggest fans will make this summer the sweetest ever

An image from the 2018 OC Fair.

The OC Fair has fans—lots of them. These Fair fans do not just show up for the food and rides. They participate in competitions, rock out to community entertainment and visit the animals and livestock.

There is so much to see and do that we asked these fans to offer up their top tips to help all fairgoers maximize the fun. Here is what they said:

OC Fair favorites

Sandie: Go see a concert! There’s nothing like live music on a beautiful summer evening at the OC Fair.

Karla: Consider participating in showcases and contests. You will be happy you did.

Lisa: Take the Sky Ride to give your feet a break from all the walking. Not only do you get to have a rest, you get a great view of the entire Fair and can see what food/rides you want to visit next!

Suzie: Always check Centennial Farm for newborn babies.

Veray: A must-see every year is Mark Yuzuik, the hypnotist. He makes people do hilarious things and is always a good laugh. And Peking Acrobats have an amazing performance of acrobatics and balancing acts.

Marian: I like the pig races.

Munching and sipping

Shauna: When buying food, share with friends or family. You can try more things that way.

Estrella: I mostly go for the food. I love trying new things—don’t be afraid, you might like it in the end.

Alicia: I like the Fair for the roasted corn.

Veray: On Thursdays, Fair food tastings are $3.

Gustavo: Bring frozen (sealed) bottles of water. They’ll melt as you walk—and bring plastic bags to pack leftovers.

Play it cool/take a break

David: Enjoy the indoor shopping experience; it’s air-conditioned and there are interesting products!

Karen: Two words—Footsie Wootsie!

Cindy: Need to give your feet a break? Watch a chef show/food eating contest in the Culinary Arts Building.

Suzie: Stay cool and relax in the air-conditioned buildings with exhibits.

Planning ahead

Susie: Buy an OC Fair Super Pass early and get the discounted show tickets.

Leah: OC Fair Express is the way to go. Not only do you get a cheap ride to and from, you won’t have to deal with parking and you get a discount on entry. It’s a huge cost savings.

Jean: We love buying Pacific Amphitheatre or Brew Hee Haw tickets, because they include Fair admission!

Julie: Go on Wednesdays for We Care Wednesdays to get in free.

Veray: Take the shuttle bus on weekends. The pick-up is located at the Experian building across from South Coast Plaza.

Cindy: Arrive when the Fair opens for great parking.

Karla: The events in the Action Sports Arena have limited seating included with your ticket—get there early.

Making memories

Suzie: The rides are gorgeous at night with all the lights!

Estrella: Enjoy your trip, have fun with the family and make memories that will last for a lifetime.

Cindy: Attend one, if not all, of the demolition derbies. This has been a family tradition for more than 25 years.

An image from the 2018 OC Fair.

Bonus tip from Cindy: Enjoy, go slow, see it all…even if you need to go more than one day it is worth it!

The 2018 OC Fair is July 13-Aug. 12 and offers 23 days and nights of entertainment, food, rides, shopping, exhibits and more. Hours are noon to midnight Wednesdays through Fridays, and 11 a.m. to midnight Saturdays and Sundays. For more information, visit