‘Helping Hands’ working for the community


Helping Hands is a community-based organization, which consists of fifth and sixth grade students. Last year, the program raised money through various fundraisers to support a boy with bone cancer. He is a nephew to one of the school’s teachers. By the end of the year, Helping Hands  raised $5,800 for the family. The program also fed and cooked for the homeless at the Long Beach Rescue Mission and passed out Easter baskets to the homeless children at the Mission on Easter.

Helping Hands is a community-based organization, which consists of fifth and sixth grade students. Last year, the program raised money through various fundraisers to support a boy with bone cancer. He is a nephew to one of the school’s teachers. By the end of the year, Helping Hands  raised $5,800 for the family. The program also fed and cooked for the homeless at the Long Beach Rescue Mission and passed out Easter baskets to the homeless children at the Mission on Easter.

This year, Helping Hands is at it again, trying to raise money to others in need. This time around the program is raising money for a charity. We had a jog-a-thon for our first fundraiser in November which we raised $1,600. We also went to the Long Beach Rescue Mission on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving to pass out Thanksgiving dinners to the homeless.

In January, we held a shoe drive for the Angels Bin Organization and we donated 250 pounds of shoes. We also went to the Long Beach Rescue Mission at the end of January to serve lunch to the homeless and we also prepared their dinner for later that evening. This March, “Helping Hands” is having a clothes drive for the Angels Bin Organization for people in need. This is really a one of a kind organization for an elementary school.

The students donate their time to help others in the community. They also sacrifice their time on their vacation days. I was wondering if you could put us in the Buena Park Independent, so the Buena Park community could learn about what we do.

There is not a student organization like the Helping Hands in any elementary school.

Guy Ogawa is a teacher at San Marino School in Buena Park. Ogawa also serves as adviser to Helping Hands.