Governor Brown acts to extend Quirk-Silva request to extend armory shelter program in Orange County


Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva (D—Orange County) has engaged the California National Guard and Governor Jerry Brown about the impact of homelessness in Orange County, and was instrumental in securing the approval of an extension of the Orange County Cold Weather Armory Emergency Shelter Program for at least 90 days past the scheduled April closure. The Fullerton and Santa Ana armories were to be used as shelters up until April 15.

“Now is not the time to turn our backs on some of the most vulnerable members of our community,” said Quirk-Silva. “While many cities are coming together to find suitable locations for alternative shelters, due to this unprecedented influx of additional homeless, it is crucial that the Armory continues to be available to shelter the homeless in Orange County, at least until we can find a more permanent solution. These shelters must remain open for at least 90 days.”

For 27 years, the Fullerton Armory has been utilized nightly during the cold winter months, from Oct. through April. During those months, many homeless individuals have utilized the shelter to have a warm place to sleep. After the removal of more than 700 individuals from the Santa Ana Riverbed, many of these individuals received 30 day motel vouchers, others utilized the Fullerton National Guard Armory directly. After the vouchers expire, these individuals will be left with nowhere to go for basic shelter and necessary resources. Additionally, individuals who were evicted from the Santa Ana Civic Center in March are also looking for emergency housing.

For further information, visit the Assemblywoman’s website at