‘Giving from the heart’ it’s a gift


It's not often someone will wrap your Christmas presents free – because it's a gift from their heart – but that's exactly what Knott Avenue Christian Church, 315 S. Knott Ave., in Anaheim, did for the 10th year in a row at Buena Park Downtown.

Once again this year, approximately 40 volunteers from the church donated their services to wrap up to five-packages per family – free – in the Wal-Mart Courtyard of Buena Park Downtown Saturday.

It's not often someone will wrap your Christmas presents free – because it's a gift from their heart – but that's exactly what Knott Avenue Christian Church, 315 S. Knott Ave., in Anaheim, did for the 10th year in a row at Buena Park Downtown.

Once again this year, approximately 40 volunteers from the church donated their services to wrap up to five-packages per family – free – in the Wal-Mart Courtyard of Buena Park Downtown Saturday.

The signs on the gift wrapping tables read, “We’re ‘not’ accepting any donations, we just want to bless your life…”

“It’s our desire to bless our community in a practical way with the love of God because of His gift to the world at Christmas,” said Pastor of Outreach and Life Groups Mike Hammontre. “We provide the Christmas gift-wrap, ribbon, tape, bows, etc. to wrap the gifts for free.”

Hammontre said the volunteers serve in two-hour shifts to wrap gifts while people wait for their packages.

"It's so much fun," said 10-year-volunteer Children's Ministry Coordinator Wendy McKinley, with a big smile on her face. "It's just lots of fun to be here; people ask if they can pay us and we say, 'No, we just want to do this for you – it's a gift – we want to share.'"

First-time volunteer Julie Johnson said she thinks the gift wrapping idea is a good one.

"The people shop first and buy what they want and then don't want to wrap it themselves and so we wrap their packages for them," said Johnson.

Edith Villarosa told Hammontre she wanted to serve but didn't know how to wrap presents, but would be there any way; Hammontre assigned her to hand out colorful 4-by-5 inch cards to each business in the Mall, explaining about the free gift wrap from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., which she did happily.

Asked how many rolls of wrapping paper and ribbon has been used over the years, Hammontre admits they don't keep track of how much they use, nor how many packages have been wrapped.

"The members of the church donate all of the wrapping, that's why we can offer the free wrapping to the community," said Hammontre. "The large rolls of wrapping paper from Costco will last several seasons."

Also, each year, Knott Avenue Christian Church invites the community to attend their Christmas Eve Candlelight Services at their church, which is a non-denominational, multi-ethnic church where everyone is welcome.

The times for the “Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Services” are Tuesday, Dec. 23, at 7 p.m. and Wednesday, Dec. 24 at 2, 3:30, and 5 p.m.

In addition, "Where is the Love?" put on by "Eastern Sky," a professional touring company, is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 20 and 21. The hours are Saturday at 5:30 p.m. and Sunday at 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

 “Join us for a truly memorable Christmas experience,” said Hammontre.

“We want to share with the public about the gift of God’s Son – who is the reason for Christmas” – said Hammontre.

For Knott Avenue Christian Church information, call 714-527-5195 or visit www.kacc.com.