Giving Children Hope chosen as 20th annual beneficiary


By Savannah Esquivel

By Savannah Esquivel

The Buena Park Police Association has selected Giving Children Hope as the beneficiary of their 20th Annual Fallen Four Golf Tournament for the second year in the row. The Fallen Four Golf Tournament honors four very fine police officers – Bud Cate, Shayne York, Tyler Pinchot, and Daniel Ackerman – who made the ultimate sacrifice protecting the city of Buena Park. A portion of this year’s golf tournament proceeds will be donated in the names of the fallen officers to Giving Children Hope.

Giving Children Hope is a community-driven nonprofit that equips front-line partners with resources to vulnerable children and families. As a faith-based partner, they provide sustainable hope through wellness programs and disaster response in collaboration with local and global communities. They do this through the gathering and giving of basic needs, nutritional foods, and medical resources.

At last week’s City Council meeting, the Buena Park Police Association publicly gifted Giving Children Hope and four scholarship recipients with gifts in honor of the fallen four officers. These gifts were the proceeds from the 2016 Fallen Four Golf Tournament. The four scholarship recipients were Buena Park students who recently graduated from high school and have aspirations for a future in law enforcement.

 The 2017 Fallen Four Golf Tournament will take place on Monday, September 11, at the Los Coyotes Country Club. Law enforcement personnel and community members are invited to pay continued homage to our fallen heroes, as well as their families, through the game of golf. The Buena Park Police Association and Giving Children Hope invite the Buena Park community to join this fun, yet important, tournament. There are various ways to participate, including playing in the tournament, helping with sponsorships, or donating prizes. To learn more about how you can get involved, please contact Lt. Frank Nunes at