GCHope serves Syrian refugees


Orange County nonprofit Giving Children Hope welcomes Syrian refugees to Orange County with hygiene supplies and essential items to smooth the transition into a new life. Alex, his wife, and their three kids are new to America. Just 8 months ago they arrived in Orange County seeking asylum from the violence in Syria. Every day is a waiting game for their paperwork to go through so Alex can begin working. He is a trained electrician but cannot legally work until their asylum is officially granted.

Orange County nonprofit Giving Children Hope welcomes Syrian refugees to Orange County with hygiene supplies and essential items to smooth the transition into a new life. Alex, his wife, and their three kids are new to America. Just 8 months ago they arrived in Orange County seeking asylum from the violence in Syria. Every day is a waiting game for their paperwork to go through so Alex can begin working. He is a trained electrician but cannot legally work until their asylum is officially granted. Alex was introduced to Giving Children Hope’s Giving For Living program by one of our nonprofit partners, Orange County Child Abuse Prevention Center. Giving Children Hope provided Alex with hygiene items and other important basic necessities for his children. Without an income for the foreseeable future, items like shampoo, toilet paper, and soap often must be rationed. The toughest part of this young family’s story has been the separation from their family and support system. Alex said he hasn’t seen his parents or siblings in five years. Because of the war and the terror that had become part of their daily life, they’ve all had to find safety in whatever countries will accept them. “I dream that one day my family can be together again, either in Syria or somewhere else,” Alex shared. Giving Children Hope is thankful for the chance to serve Alex’s family in their time of greatest need. Alex is one of 25 refugee families Giving Children Hope served on World Refugee Day, June 20. To learn more, please call 714.523.4454 or visit the website at www.givingchildrenhope.org/syria.