GCHope rocks out


The charity organization “Giving Children Hope” held a benefit concert this past weekend. Buena Park was bouncing with excitement as rock music echoed down Commonwealth Avenue. The rock show featured the talents of San Diego’s own Trevor Davis, who was a top contestant on NBC’s hit music show “The Voice.”

GCHope’s event also featured the Orange County band known as “The Pawn Shop Kings,” that were recently featured in Rolling Stone Magazine as one of the top 10 rock bands to look out for.

The charity organization “Giving Children Hope” held a benefit concert this past weekend. Buena Park was bouncing with excitement as rock music echoed down Commonwealth Avenue. The rock show featured the talents of San Diego’s own Trevor Davis, who was a top contestant on NBC’s hit music show “The Voice.”

GCHope’s event also featured the Orange County band known as “The Pawn Shop Kings,” that were recently featured in Rolling Stone Magazine as one of the top 10 rock bands to look out for.

“The Giving Children Hope Organization” held the event to bring awareness to their “We’ve Got Your Back Program,” which was created to help combat child hunger, poverty, and homelessness. Their “WGYB” initiative consists of delivering backpacks filled with food to local schools in all of Orange County.

The backpacks themselves are then handed out to children who the school’s address as being severely homeless or poverty stricken. The backpacks have enough food to feed the needy children throughout the weekend. Once the backpacks run empty, the children just bring the backpack back to school, so it can be replaced with a new backpack filled with food.

“Over 60 percent of the backpacks contain fresh produce. We also pack in healthy canned foods that will last, along with rice and beans. Our whole objective is to provide these needy families with a nutritious meal program that will help them live longer healthier lives,” says Sean Lawrence, executive director at GCHope.

With things worsening for many families as the current economic downturn rolls onward, GCHope knows that it has a tall order to fill. Still, they remain unintimidated by the challenge of helping these citizens and are willing to keep pushing forward with their hard work in means of eradicating poverty from not only our nation, but the world.

“Eight years ago, we were helping about 11,000 people, fast forward to our present day; now the need has grown to 30,000. And this is only in a timeframe of eight years,” says “GCHope” Communications Coordinator, Carly Visbal.“This is why it is essential that our organization continues to strive to create a new audience here in Orange County. We have been doing this kind of charity work here for about 21 years now, and we are always trying to build awareness about helping all homeless children.”

Davis summed up GCHope’s movement best with the performance of his hit single “Soldier,” which emphasizes how people need to break down social barriers and learn to help one another. A part of the song states, “ God gave us Sisters and Brothers, so we don’t have to fight alone.” The song is very beautiful and influential, for it speaks directly to “Giving Children Hope’s” campaign of “We’ve Got Your Back.”

Another method that these GCHope brothers and sisters are planning on having society’s back is with their new cutting edge “Aquaponic Garden.” The garden is expected to produce 150 meals each and every single week for homeless and unfortunate families all around Orange County.

“Seven years ago, we were helping about 30 children,” says Lawrence. “Now, we are set to feed 1,500 homeless families every week. Each backpack holds enough food to feed four people.”

Still, “Giving Children Hope” would like the community to reach out and provide more help. “We would like more businesses and corporations to help us out by volunteering at events,” says Visbal. “We are always looking to build upon our sponsors, because there is still a great need for canned goods.  These types of foods are in high demand for the children.”

Companies like “Paris Baguette Catering,” and “GoCalNow Network,”have already made the pledge and have heeded the call; for they were some of the sponsors who helped tend the weekend’s festivities.

When asked how the general public can help Giving Children Hope’s cause, Visbal responded with,

“We are kicking off our new event in honor of ‘Hunger Awareness Month.’ This new movement will be titled ‘Tackling Child Hunger,’ and we would love if people would come down to volunteer their time and talents for this cause. Individuals can assist us by choosing to volunteer anytime between Monday through Friday. Our operation hours are from 8am to 5pm. So, come help us fight child hunger.”

The GCHope crew is also gearing up to host a major event called “Gala.” It is a formal event that is going to take place on Oct. 25of this year, and is to be held at the Orange County Hyatt Hotel and Luxury Resort. “It is our biggest fundraiser event,” states Visbal. “It’s super fun, super awesome, and super classy. There will be performers and videos, it’s going to be a blast. So, please come.”

“The Pawn Shop Kings” soon hit the stage to end the night off with performances of their singles “Love Like Jesus,” “Outside Memphis,” and “Make Me Whole.” They even teamed up with Davis to sing several songs, as the crowd erupted. The partying went on long into the night for this good and noble cause. Not a bad way for “Giving Children Hope’s” kick off of their first ever concert.