GCHope makes $275,000 donation to OC homeless children


Since its inception in 2012, a partnership between Giving Children Hope and American Textile Recycling Services (ATRS) has given $275,000 to provide nutritional foods for vulnerable Orange County youth. ATRS provides donation bins for the public to donate used clothing, toys, shoes, and household textiles. As one of the nation’s fastest growing textile recycling companies, ATRS wants to impact the world through its business. Four years ago, ATRS and Giving Children Hope formed a partnership. A donation is given for each pound of used clothing, toys, shoes and textiles ATRS collects.

Since its inception in 2012, a partnership between Giving Children Hope and American Textile Recycling Services (ATRS) has given $275,000 to provide nutritional foods for vulnerable Orange County youth. ATRS provides donation bins for the public to donate used clothing, toys, shoes, and household textiles. As one of the nation’s fastest growing textile recycling companies, ATRS wants to impact the world through its business. Four years ago, ATRS and Giving Children Hope formed a partnership. A donation is given for each pound of used clothing, toys, shoes and textiles ATRS collects. The donated funds help support Giving Children Hope’s program, We’ve Got Your Back, a weekend nutrition program serving more than 5,000 people weekly. ATRS field representatives advocate for the work done by Giving Children Hope and share with potential donors how contributing donations to the recycling bins feeds homeless children right in their own communities. As of May 2016, ATRS has given more than $275,000 to support We’ve Got Your Back, which serves children in 60 schools in Orange and LA counties. “The consistency of ATRS’s funding allows us to piece together solutions to poverty,” said Christine Sanchez, Giving Children Hope’s Domestic Programs Director. “We believe that with partners like ATRS we can change communities.” Southern California residents can support Giving Children Hope’s mission all year round by dropping off gently used, clothing, shoes, and other household textiles in their neighborhood ATRS Donation Bins. Call the 24-hr hotline at 866-900-9308 or visit www.atrscorp.com to find the bin nearest you.