GCHope holds MLK Day event


On Saturday, Jan. 16, Giving Children Hope invited our network of We’ve Got Your Back families to receive free medical exams, basic needs items, hygiene kits, toys, and food, all thanks to our friends at MiNDS.

“It makes such a difference to these families. You can see the smiles on their faces. It’s a blessing,” volunteer Blanca Sampson said about Giving Children Hope’s MLK Day volunteer event.

On Saturday, Jan. 16, Giving Children Hope invited our network of We’ve Got Your Back families to receive free medical exams, basic needs items, hygiene kits, toys, and food, all thanks to our friends at MiNDS.

“It makes such a difference to these families. You can see the smiles on their faces. It’s a blessing,” volunteer Blanca Sampson said about Giving Children Hope’s MLK Day volunteer event.

Giving Children Hope’s partner, MiNDS Network, is a nonprofit serving the underprivileged and uninsured by providing free healthcare services in SoCal. On Saturday, Jan. 16, Giving Children Hope invited our network of We’ve Got Your Back families to receive free medical exams, basic needs items, hygiene kits, toys, and food, all thanks to our friends at MiNDS.

The families were so appreciative of what was given to them. The event closed with a special guest appearance by Joseph Jackson Jr., a true hero from the Civil Rights Movement, now a resident of Anaheim. Jackson humbly shared about what it was like to be Tougaloo Christian College’s NAACP President during the time of the Freedom Riders, taking notes from Dr. Martin Luther King. Jackson was chosen to be one of nine students to participate in a non-violent demonstration in the school library.

The students held their ground, sitting at a table in the library until they were arrested for “disturbing the peace.” Jackson said he had his suspicions that he might be hung for what he had done. Thankfully, he was released unharmed but was unable to participate in another demonstration for 30 days unless he wanted to get sent to the penitentiary prison.

Jackson’s story is one of heroic activism that pushed forward Dr. Martin Luther King’s vision for equality for all people. May his story inspire us to blindly love and fight for fairness for one another. Thank you to MiNDS, St. Jude, Obria Clinic, YWCA, Uplift Charity, Successful Families of Buena Park, and Covered CA for coming out to serve our families!

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” -Martin Luther King Jr.