GCHope and Buena Park tackle child hunger


Throughout September, Giving Children Hope (GCHope), a nonprofit organization based in Buena Park, Calif., is partnering with the City of Buena Park, City of Stanton, City of Fullerton, Buena Park Downtown, and Los Cerritos Center to collect non-perishable food items and raise funds for homeless families in Orange County. Throughout the month, there will be food and fund drives for We’ve Got Your Back (WGYB). WGYB is a weekend nutrition program created by GCHope for elementary, junior high and high school students in Orange County’s school districts who have been identified as homeless under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.

GCHope’s goal is to increase the number of backpacks distributed by 200 additional backpacks each week to homeless families. To accomplish this, GCHope must ensure there are enough donors and food to commit to those on the waiting list. Please consider donating to the cause. For event dates and locations, visit www.gchope.org/tackling-hunger.