Former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee sits down with BP Independent

Then-Mayor Virginia Vaughn with Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast speaker Mike Huckabee in November.

By Joseph L. Campos Jr. and Brooklynn Wong

Former Arkansas Governor and 2016 presidential candidate Mike Huckabee visited Buena Park at the end of 2018 to speak at then-Mayor Virginia Vaughn’s Prayer Breakfast event. When he was done inspiring the event-goers, he was kind enough to spend some time one-on-one with the Buena Park Independent. Huckabee had a lot to share about current events, the Constitution and the future of America.

With all of the political turmoil and social upheaval taking place all around America, we asked how Huckabee copes with it all, and how he maintains such a sense of solace.

Huckabee replied with, “It’s all my faith in Jesus Christ. It is all very important to me and continues to keep me grounded and balanced with everything that is going on. It helped me a lot when I was serving in office, and it still helps me now. Faith is very important, and so is not compromising your faith. I refuse to compromise my faith.”

Huckabee was one of the longest-serving governors in the history of America. He served as governor of Arkansas from 1996 to 2007, and gained quite a following over the years. 

His raw, take-no-nonsense attitude has even earned him his own shows on Fox News and Trinity Broadcasting Network.

“No matter what, you have to stand up for what you believe,” explains Huckabee. “I am who I am. My faith in Jesus Christ is who I am, and what I am about. That is just the way that it is. People see my beliefs as controversial. Well, they have the right to vote for me, or not. I am who I am, and I believe in what I believe. I stand by my faith in Christ, and I change for no one.”

When asked about the religious persecution going on against Jewish people, Protestant Christians, Catholics and Orthodox Christians all over the world, Huckabee said, “The American public needs to do three things. They need to pray, think and vote. Americans need to start praying about the things that really matter, especially with the times that we are living in now. Pray for others, and pray for those around you. Americans also need to think; they need to sit down and think long and hard, about where all of this persecution and hate is coming from. What is the source? Identify the source. Thirdly, they need to go out and vote. The American people need to go out and vote for people that are actually going to step up, change politics and change policies for the better. They need to vote for politicians that fit a biblical worldview, and will uphold it. The major problem with politicians today is that they compromise their faith and morals too much. Too many of these politicians sell out and change their view on purpose just to get and save votes.”

Huckabee continued to speak rather deeply and passionately about his disgust in means of all of the unfortunate anti-Semitic events that have been going on in America as of late. From the Tree of Life Conservative Jewish Synagogue shootings in Pittsburgh to demonstrations at local college campuses like UCI, Huckabee says that now is the opportune moment to get out and stand up against such injustice here in our country.

“When the seeds…of anti-Semitism…start to grow, we as patriots need to step up and cut down those hedges of hate before they grow too large,” explains Huckabee. “A lot of students on these college campuses today do not truly understand what real freedom means. Instead they follow irrational and illogical ideologies.”

As for the future of the country, Huckabee said, “It is up to America to decide her upcoming fate. We have a choice. America is not promised a future; no one’s country is. This is why we have to choose to do what is right. Still, I have my concerns. A country that murders millions of its own children every single year and that supports groups and organizations that promote incivility and immorality is not going to be a blessed country. Christ will take His blessings and protections away from that country. History shows this to be true.”

Huckabee headlined the November event as the speaker at the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast before Vaughn gave her address at the Knott’s Berry Farm Hotel.

Some protested Huckabee’s presence at the city event. However, the event was well attended.