Esoteric astrology for July 18-24


Cancer—hiding away under its shell, half on earth, half in water

By Risa d’Angeles

This is our last week of the sign of the scarab before Leo sun begins and the next Mercury retrograde. Before the sun completes its days in Cancer, let’s overview this sign of the world mother. The sign Cancer has a very deep and abiding connection with the human race. Cancer is the “Gate Into Matter”—the doorway through which humans appear on earth. Thus, Cancer rules mass consciousness. Cancer people intuitively understand the common people’s basic needs and motivations.

Cancer rules home, mother, family, birth, childbirth, the sea, women, inherited tendencies, domestic life, cooks, kitchens, basic nurturing, gestation, protectiveness, baskets, the sea, the demarcation line between water and land, moody feelings and all places of repose. Cancer receives and distributes Ray 3 and Ray 7.

Cancer is the “Light within the form—awaiting the light of the soul.” Cancer lives half on earth and half in the water. Often Cancer hides away under its shell, silently waiting for the environment to be safe and trusting. Cancer rules our treasures, our private life, conception, heredity and one’s spiritual security. Cancer is always seeking home as refuge. Cancer has unrealized gifts buried deeply within. Cancer’s gifts of nourishment are profound, deep and mysterious.

ARIES: Are you unusually hungry and have your appetites for creative work increased? Are you searching for enjoyment? Creative self-expression and very entertaining is how you are to be in the world now. Careful though. Others may compete with your starry brightness. Let them win. You know you are the first and the very best. Let all of creation be playful for you.

TAURUS: Your work always reflects your deepest values as you attempt to resolve financial problems and create an informed and secure future for everyone. You keep saying, “We must safeguard the food and water supplies.” You are correct. You tell us we must tend to the lives of many generations to come, beginning now. Of all the signs you are the most composed and prepared. Rest more. You are always communicating dual realities so everyone can understand.

GEMINI: The sun always seems to be illuminating you from within. A golden light emanating from your eyes and heart. Gemini eyes are shaped differently. In order to see what others cannot. Gathering, holding, dispersing and radiating love/wisdom is a task of the heart. Its emergence from you is important now. Many are puzzled by events in the world. You are to soothe them. Understanding both sides, offering goodwill. You are the twins. Study and communicate with them—Castor & Pollux.

CANCER: Working with finances and resources becomes exciting when you realize you want to use all that you have to create a sustainable and ecological future for your family. And this is the template for all of humanity. Many will look to you for information as changes in our world accelerate. One such preparation is seed saving. Share your seeds and teach others how to too. This is one of the most important ways of nurturing humanity—present and future—that of seed saving.

LEO: You must be busy with this and that, here and there and everywhere. It is good to participate in various many varied activities so you can be recognized, praised and appreciated. This helps develop a newer self-identity. It is also good if you facilitate meetings, group discussions and community matters. You always have leadership qualities but soon they will truly be needed and your ideas applied. Remember the best leader is the humblest.

VIRGO: Mercury will soon retrograde again and your mind will assess what achievements you have accomplished in the coming months and what to do in the future. You are often very busy working behind the scenes with research and study, tending the ill and weary or reading books on religion or seeking respite and seclusion in water gardens. Plant dill, borage, burdock and roses and create another water fountain.

LIBRA: The sun highlights your home and I wonder if you have been somewhere far away. Wherever you are there is always beauty, art and culture. Hopefully you have access to warm water, pools, rivers, streams, a spa because you need care, tending and time for healing and away from work where you push yourself beyond limits. So many changes in our world in the coming months. Prepare yourself to have what you want and need. This requires self-definition.

SCORPIO: You will assume more work responsibilities. Great resources are available to you. They are all around. It is important to recognize your specific gifts and abilities. There is a kindness to what will occur between the world and you, a culmination of your ambitions and achievements. As more work is required in the public, stand with grace and equanimity and use right speech which creates right relationships. You will be imitated by many others.

SAGITTARIUS: Work has been very busy and you have been very disciplined. It called for all your creative talents. Now you will begin to remember past relationships. The purpose will reveal itself very soon. Are you thinking of faraway places, people, events? Longing for something past that held you in love and care? Remember it as long as you can. You will assess, discriminate and then decide. In time there will be more ease.

CAPRICORN: Be aware of the accelerated passages of time. Have the intention to be closer and singer to family, partner and loved ones. Many benefits will emerge from this. Always with contact, more and more love is released. This is nourishing for you as you need nourishment now, not just from foods but from the morning and evening sun and from the love around you. But you must make the first contact. Contact releases love.

AQUARIUS: The sun illuminates your need for home. Soon it illuminates the need for fun, pleasure, love children and creativity. If you are an artist, this is a time to be in your studio warehouse creating inspired work. Many memories from the past are appearing. It is difficult to balance inner and outer worlds when this occurs. Many seek your attention, needing you to love them. Know that a new self-identity is growing within. It is a very good time for change and for freedom.

PISCES: You find yourself accomplishing tasks and interacting with people from the past. You have been given an opportunity to fulfill certain dharmic tasks. As you perform daily work, maintain a calm interior, practice mantras and harmlessness and know you must continue till the work that is yours to do is complete. It has taken years to come to this place in time and space. Your personality is resisting. However, your soul brought you here.