Esoteric astrology as news for Aug. 8-14


Uranus retrogrades, new moon solar eclipse

By Risa d’Angeles

Uranus retrograded Tuesday this week, joining the other retrogrades in this unusual retrograde season. Uranus is one of the outer planets, beyond the personality-building planets, and the social planets.

Uranus is the planet of the Aquarian Age, of electricity, change, innovation, discovery revolution and revelations. Uranus brings surprises and many things yet unimagined. When Uranus is retrograde, we have inner stirrings, unusual revelations, the rules of thinking shift and change, we think unusual things, much of which are of the future. Uranus works in sudden ways and is called the Great Awakener, and it is we who are awakened, with quick liberating results. Uranus overturns conventions and traditions, allowing all that has outlived its usefulness to fall away.

Which brings us to Saturday’s new moon, solar eclipse. During solar eclipses, something essential, its job complete, falls away. Uranus retrograde and the new moon solar eclipse support each other. Both making room for the new to come forth. Uranus brings social change to our world. Retrograde Uranus prepares us for revolutionary changes, revelations that may shock us in the next year. Listen for hints until then. For now, we are in the calm before the storm. Addenda: questions need to be asked about the California firestorms.

ARIES: It is important to assess with truthfulness what you know, recognizing your knowledge as a gift to be shared with others. You can be strong-willed and driven with self-confidence and authority. However, your fire quickly extinguishes and your attention shifts elsewhere. It is important to acknowledge others’ points of view. Allow others to share their accomplishments. Then you become a true source of real leadership to be emulated.

TAURUS: You remember many things from the past. Much about family and friends that will reappear. Do not allow other people’s beliefs, criticisms or behaviors to offend or deter you. Identify with your own thoughts, ideas and intuition. It is important to feel secure with the information you present to others. However, do not present unusual ideas and visions to those who will either appropriate or test you with them. Maintain protection.

GEMINI: Filled with ceaseless curiosity you interact with everyone and everything. Many may want to communicate with you. Listen to what they have to say. Some may be important. Notice indecision. It reflects the dual nature of our world. Careful with distractions and complete what you have begun. Do only what keeps your mind agile, interested, directed and focused. You are to initiate the intelligent new narratives we need to hear.

CANCER: It is important to ponder deeply upon the more essential decisions you need to make. You must have all the facts, be practical, proceeding slowly. There is value in taking your time, contemplating different choices. This gives you focus for significant decisions. Determination colors all your actions these days. You are developing a greater level of concentration. Concentration is the first level of meditation.

LEO: Your voice is stronger, more powerful, more outspoken than usual. You might say things you do not mean or did not think about. Your tone may have changed too. Arguments and intellectual competition, irritability, impatience and impulsiveness seem to have cropped up. Concentration is almost impossible so you make quick decisions. All of this makes you more creative, dexterous and getting to the heart of what matters. You are on the “burning grounds.” Be fierce.

VIRGO: You are able to communicate with the dream world, with angels and devas, the angelic builders in the plant kingdom. All decisions made will be based on an instinctual sense of things. You may encounter mysteries not understood. Use your imagination, envisioning the world you want to live in. Stand firm within your own beliefs while listening carefully to what others believe. Our minds change when we learn more.

LIBRA: It is good to seek recognition for your professional work. You have worked hard, gaining success and status, climbing every step of the ladder. You have been generous with your knowledge, time and skills. You rule with a keen sense of ethics and order. Your pride in your work and the many decisions that helped you reach that state is good and appropriate. It is also essential to remember those who helped along the way. Who are they? Thank them.

SCORPIO: Much of your knowledge has been gained through experiencing the underbelly of life here on earth. You have a keen awareness of sorrow and pain, of betrayal, trust and mistrust. You have a sense of ethics and justice. Your most important task is the quest for truth and through this truth a sense of identity emerges. Knowing all that you know, you could rule the world. You know the danger, though.

SAGITTARIUS: You shine like the sun. You realize you have worked long and hard to be able to shine. You have gained strength, expanded borders, extended horizons, projected yourself into fields and hoped to make the world better. You lead others through dramatic explanations. You love your heritage and a sense of self-identity has resulted. When you over-act you pay the consequences. But always you win in the end. Do not let your crown slip.

CAPRICORN: Your determination has always been your great strength. You search for greater inner identity when sharing resources with another. With that “other” good changes occur in your life. This allows all that is hidden to come into the light. Remember anger, sadness, disquietude and unsettledness present you with a message. You are perhaps overtired, overwhelmed, needing rest and a respite. Contemplate these things. Remain in the garden.

AQUARIUS: Sometimes, in trying to understand relationships, you allow others to have more power. Eventually you become depressed with this situation and wonder what is wrong. It is not good for you to remain in shadows. You need equality, care, excitement and a deepening love so you can begin to trust and settle down. It is good that others recognize your leadership skills. You bring the future to humanity. Gracefully.

PISCES: It is good to realize you are at the helm—the organizer, achiever and advisor of your life with rules and a time watch. Few see or recognize these qualities of responsibility. It is as if everything is falling away and disappearing. Placing your entire heart into work can make the nerves suffer. Subtle changes will occur over time. Visualize and imagine, draw and paint, in detail, your perfect and precious life. Clouds never obscure the bright golden sunshine of your very own perfect self.