Da’ Hawaii Seniors club celebrates 17th anniversary party at Los Coyotes Country Club


Members and guests of Da’ Hawaii Seniors Club celebrated the 17th anniversary of the club’s founding at Los Coyotes Country Club in Buena Park on Saturday, May 3., from 11:00 a.m. Club members and guests were served delicious salads, chicken prepared in different sauces, and pound cake with berries for desserts.  They could also help themselves to coffee, water, iced tea and lemonade.

Members and guests of Da’ Hawaii Seniors Club celebrated the 17th anniversary of the club’s founding at Los Coyotes Country Club in Buena Park on Saturday, May 3., from 11:00 a.m. Club members and guests were served delicious salads, chicken prepared in different sauces, and pound cake with berries for desserts.  They could also help themselves to coffee, water, iced tea and lemonade.

Co-chairs of the anniversary party-Ann Kho and Carol Roxas-were very pleased that 111 people came to the party to enjoy the food and the entertainment. Kho said that “she appreciated the help of Lilia Fischer and her husband for recommending and securing the Los Coyotes Country Club for the club’s party.”

The Da’ Hawaii Seniors Club’s 17th Anniversary Party Committee worked hard together plan for the food, tickets, snacks, table decorations, stage decorations, door prizes and entertainment. Glenda Ujiie and her Decorations Committee gathered flowers and greenery which were used to prepare beautiful Hawaiian floral decorations. Kho also added items for the centerpieces for the table decorations.

Emcees Danny and Winona Chang started the celebration by having everyone join in singing “Hawaii Ponoi.” Danny Chang then introduced Maile Kekauoha, who offered an invocation to bless the celebration.  Danny Chang then introduced co-presidents Ann Kho and Winston Goo to say a few words.  Kho asked for everyone to allow for a few minutes of silence to honor a long-time member, Sharon Kuroyama, who passed away a few days before the party.

Goo then recognized one of the original founding members of the club, Bennie Cabalona, who was present in the audience.  Her co-founder, Fely Fagaragan, was in Hawaii and could not attend the party. He expressed his wishes for the club to continue for many more years with members volunteering and participating.

After everyone finished their entrees for lunch, Danny Chang began the entertainment portion of the party. Da’ Hawaii Seniors Club members displayed their multiple talents with different groups dancing hulas or line dances, and singing songs in Hawaiian and English.

The audience enjoyed dances by the groups Na Kupuna Wahines (grandmothers), the Puniwai’s Ohana (Family), Na Ipo Hula (Hula Sweethearts), and the Na Kupuna Kanes (grandfathers).  The audience joined in line dances led by Stuart Shepherd and also participated in dancing to the song “May Day is Lei Day in Hawaii” which was led by Susan Sells and accompanied by Susan McCormick and other ukulele players.

Frank Yoshii and Larry Anduha each sang two nostalgic or romantic songs that showed their singing talents.  Larry was joined by his wife, Hedy, who sang a duet to “If I Give My Heart to You” accompanied by Willie Kaneshiro on guitar.  Hedy later performed a solo hula, ‘Uhiwai dressed in a beautiful purple holoku with train.

During intermission, and just before it was time for the party to end, door prizes that were donated by members were distributed to lucky winners by Frank Yoshii, Gilbert Aguirre and Helga Tanaka.  The final door prize of three days and two nights at the California Hotel in Las Vegas was won by Anne Ohara.

Da’ Hawaii Seniors Club’s 17th Anniversary Party ended with everyone joining hands and singing Hawai’i Aloha and Aloha O’e. It was a wonderful party full of the Aloha Spirit!