By Edna Ethington

Rev. Binh Nguyen, Pastor of St. Irenaeus Church in Cypress, announced on July 20 that St. Irenaeus Church and Parish School will be holding the parish’s first Fall Fiesta for three days, on Friday, September 20, Saturday, September 21, and Sunday, September 22, 2019.  The Fiesta will be held on St. Irenaeus Church grounds at 5201 Evergreen Avenue, Cypress. There will be Bingo games in the parish hall, challenging game booths with prizes, rides for children of all ages, a Silent Auction, and a variety of multicultural food booths. There will also be entertainment by different groups throughout the three days for families to enjoy.

Fr. Binh said that “the Fall Fiesta gives us the opportunity to celebrate while sharing our message of faith, love and joy with the broader community.”  According to Fr. Binh, the Fiesta is a major fundraiser for both the school and the parish.  Funds raised from the Fiesta will support technology enhancements plus tuition assistance programs for the school.  It will also support community outreach programs for the parish. He asked parishioners, by letter, to help make the 2019 Fall Fiesta a success by making donations for opportunity drawing tickets, volunteering in a booth, or simply by attending the Fiesta.

The Fiesta Committee, and other volunteers, responded to Fr. Binh’s request for help by stuffing over 4,400 envelopes with opportunity drawing tickets that were sent to registered parishioners at the end of July.   Each parishioner was sent one book of 40 tickets, to purchase themselves or get a donation of $2.00 for each ticket, for a total donation of $80. Parishioners then could be the first to return drawing ticket stubs for the opportunity to win the Grand Prize of $10,000, 1st Prize of $3,000, 2nd Prize of $1,500, 3rd Prize of $500. Drawing tickets will be available for purchase during the Fiesta, and winners for these monetary prizes will be awarded on Sunday evening September 22. Parishioners were asked to be sure to make all checks are payable to St. Irenaeus Parish.  If all parishioners sell all their tickets, the Fiesta will be a success!

The Fiesta Committee will be collecting ticket stubs and donations for the Opportunity Drawings after the weekend Masses at the Fiesta Table in the patio starting on Saturday, August 17.  Ticket stubs and checks can also be sent by mail to the Parish Office or brought to the ticket booth at the Fiesta.

For families who would like to enjoy the games and rides and still save some money, the Fiesta Committee will also be selling Presale game and ride tickets at a discount at the patio area of St. Irenaeus church after weekend Masses.  Ride wristbands for unlimited rides will be available only for Saturday September 21 from 2-6 p.m. at the price of $25 at Presale times, and $35 at the Fiesta.

It will take all St. Irenaeus parishioners working together to get all the work done that is needed to prepare for the Fiesta. When returning ticket stubs at the patio area after Masses, parishioners can sign up to volunteer to work at the game or food booths.  They can also volunteer to set up or break down the booths before or after the Fiesta.

Since the Fall Fiesta is a fundraiser for St. Irenaeus Church and the Parish School, sponsors are being sought to defray the some of the cost of the Fiesta itself.  Owners of businesses or individuals who wish to publicize their business with banners or signs with their information, can do so by sponsoring a booth for a donation of $250.  Businesses and individuals who are interested in sponsoring a booth can contact Kristen Villalvazo at 714-220-7125.

For more information about volunteer opportunities for the Fall Fiesta, contact Fall Fiesta 2019 Co-Chairs Patti and Kit Kirby at 714-739-0463.