City Hall now offers passport services


Planning international travel this summer? City Hall is making those plans easier by now offering passport services by appointment.

The City of Buena Park City Clerk’s Office is designated as an authorized United States Passport Acceptance Facility. Hours of operation for passport acceptance services are by appointment only, Monday through Thursday and alternating Fridays, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Your application for a passport will be accepted and all forms and documents forwarded to the United States Department of State where it is processed. First-time applicants, come prepared with the following:

1. Proof of U.S. Citizenship

2. Government-issued photo I.D.

3. Check or money order (cash, credit or debit cards not accepted)

Services include forms for first time applicants, forms for self-renewal by mail, expedited processing, lost/stolen passport information and passport photos.

For more information and details on turnaround time and pricing, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 714-562-3758, or find more information at