By Joseph L. Campos Jr.
Celebrity chef Ana Gonzalez just opened a brand new restaurant and bakery in Anaheim this week that specializes in meals consisting of both “The Primal Diet” and “The Paleo Diet.” The restaurant is called Primal 24/7 and bases an emphasis on healthy, all-natural food and ingredients. It cuts out all of the chemicals, preservatives and genetically modified organisms that are being peddled in many restaurants and grocery stores today to the detriment of American society.

In the past Gonzalez has showcased her culinary expertise for Hollywood personalities such as J.K. Simmons, who played Jay Jonah Jamison in the original “Spiderman” trilogy, Ernie Hudson from the original “Ghostbusters,” Lori Greiner from “Shark Tank,” and many more.
Gonzalez has also displayed her culinary work at major Hollywood red carpet events such as the MTV awards, the Nickelodeon Kid’s Choice Awards, the Oscars, “Dancing with the Stars,” and many other high-caliber social events.
“When she first started out she was more of a dessert and pastry chef, but about two years ago Ana decided to switch over to more healthier meals, with better choices for cooking and eating,” explains Porfirio Gonzalez, who is Ana’s husband. “My wife recently had a hip surgery that put her in a lot of excruciating pain. Her wounds wound up getting a lot of inflammation. My wife didn’t want to take all of the prescribed medications, or addicting pain relievers, so she did some independent research to see how she could naturally heal her pain.”
The valuable information that Ana found out was very profound. It turns out that many of the foods that we eat everyday actually cause inflammation and irritation to the human body. Wheat bread is one of the main culprits.
“We realized that switching to Keto Bread was a healthier choice,” explains Porfirio. “With many more years of research, that is how my wife found the Primal and Paleo Diets.”
Ana’s deep research led her to a book by Mark Sisson titled “21 Day Total Body Transformation.” The Primal Diet was created by Sisson around 2009, and is based on turning the food pyramid upside down while focusing on eating much more fruits and vegetables. One can still eat meat, but mostly just as a small side dish. Most of the foods and drinks utilized within the diet are always organic and in their all-natural state. Drinking raw milk is also considered a major plus while participating in this diet.
What is the difference between The Primal Diet and The Paleo Diet, one may ask? Well according to, The Primal Diet allows the individual to drink raw or full fat dairy products as a component of healthy fats. The Paleo Diet on the other hand hinders all of this. The Paleo Diet also cuts out the consuming of what are known to dietitians as “nightshade fruits and vegetables.” These types of vegetables are made up mostly of potatoes, tomatoes, blueberries, chilies, chili peppers, bell peppers, eggplants, tomatillos and goji berries. These fruits and vegetables come from poisonous plants that are highly dangerous to humans. When picking these particular foods, one must never eat any of their leaves or stems. This could actually kill the human in a painful manner. With that being said, the fruits and vegetables that come from these plants are nutritious. Still, the fact that they come from hazardous plants can still have side effects on certain people who may be allergic to them, due to where they derive from. Another thing to note when comparing the Primal and Paleo Diets is that the Primal Diet allows its participants to drink coffee. The Paleo Diet does not permit this.
“My wife Ana actually took a lot of classes on this, and she even did schooling to get certified as an official Primal Diet Chef and expert,” explains Porfirio. “She really understands the makeup of everything that is needed to eat healthier, to prepare better-quality meals, and to just overall feel better. All of the vegetables that she uses are raw and fresh. There are no chemicals, pesticides or hazardous preservatives. All of the meat that she uses in her cooking also is organic, fresh and is 100 percent grass-fed. This is a majorly important factor. It is better for the human body and immune system.”
Primal 24/7 Restaurant and Bakery orders its organic grass-fed meat from Blue Mountain Ranch Meat Company. They have some of the best quality of healthy alternative sources of meats around for any type of Primal natural cuisine. Blue Mountain Ranch Company has many different types of fresh meats as well, from buffalo to beef to chicken, to even pork or shrimp. Blue Mountain Ranch gives Ana and Porfirio access to everything they need to bring their customers the delicious elements of The Primal Diet.

Ana’s main objective was to provide Orange County residents, as well as all of California, a safe and healthy alternative to all of the fast food restaurants and markets that are out there poisoning the public with unhealthy meals.
Many of the harmful chemicals that big corporations like Monsanto use are not officially studied or approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
Investigative documentary films like “Food, Inc.” and “Super Size Me” highlight such harsh realities of what is going into our bodies.
“Another movie that I recommend that everyone should go out and see is titled ‘The Magic Pill,’” states Porfirio. “People need to see the truth about what the companies and corporations are doing to our food, and how it is getting people sick.”
Porfirio went on to add, “There are scientists who lie about their studies, experiments and findings, because in reality they are secretly being paid off by certain major elite corporations and companies like General Mills and many others. They lie to the people and tell us that all of the food is healthy, fine and is sufficient to eat when it really is not. These corporations and companies just team up with each other to take the public’s hard-earned money. They keep people hungry, addicted to their food, and sick. Then these same people have to go out to the pharmaceutical companies to buy medications and pills. These medications and pills have side effects, and they get the people even more sick, and eventually addicted to the medication. Soon it all kills you. My wife Ana is a true testament that there is no need for any of these pills, pain relievers or medications. A healthy diet alone can have the power to heal. A healthy diet, good eating and some exercise can change everything in a person’s life. This is what ‘Primal 24/7’ is all about.”
The prime objective for Primal 24/7 is to tap into all-natural and holistic culinary remedies that revitalize people’s immune systems while making their dining choices fun, festive and innovative. Primal 24/7 offers many varieties of good eats and treats like their “Primal On the Go Platters” and their delicious sauces and condiments, and even their tasty easy-to-bake cake mixes. With many types of flavors of fruits, vegetables and all-natural grass-fed meats to choose from, it is really a valuable tool to rejuvenate Southern California’s public, especially with the fact that Primal 24/7 is the only restaurant and bakery to offer both Primal and Paleo Diet meals in the Orange County area.
This will serve as a much-needed alternative to the other meal, and dining choices that we have within our region.
“People also need to focus on gluten free foods and whole foods,” states Stevi Hardy, who is an officially certified Professional Health Coach. “The powers that be push corn and sugar because they are cheap. Yet it is all genetically modified. They push the public crap. It is all a cycle. The elites make the money, and they keep the unaware public coming back.”
Primal Health Coach Stevi Hardy.
Hardy was an English teacher before she took classes to become a Health Coach. She decided to change her life and to make the jump to the Primal and Paleo Diets, to not only aid in her own health, but to aid in the wellbeing of her mother-in-law as well who had taken ill. Hardy also utilized the dietary styles to help her lose weight, and get into prime physical condition for her wedding.
“I want to really emphasize that the Primal and Paleo Diets are not only diets; they are in fact lifestyles,” explains Hardy. “It is important to keep any lifestyle healthy. With the food that I make and eat now, my family cannot tell the difference. They love this type of food, and they are not losing out on anything. You Primalfy or Paleofy any kind of food or meal. Just make sure everything that is used is fresh and can be handmade naturally.”
Hardy met Ana on one of Mark Sisson’s websites, and they commented on some of the content on there. They realized that they lived close to each other and started embarking on a Primal Diet journey together in their newfound friendship. Hardy admires Ana’s poise and how she is very hands-on with her culinary work as Head Chef.
Ana and Hardy are also preparing to hold Primal Cooking Classes and web seminars at the new Primal 24/7 Restaurant and Bakery located at 1851 Katella Ave.
“The moment that people realize that they can heal themselves, readjust their diets, the sooner they will start to feel better,” explains Hardy. “I am here to coach them, and Ana is here to teach them. People are getting excited because they are finding their own answers as to how to heal themselves. The Primal and Paleo lifestyles are very customizable for every individual. The public can cater the diets to themselves and their own personal needs. The beauty of Primal and Paleo is that they are very versatile. When it comes to people in society, they are trained to want the commercial stuff to eat, but they can learn to eat better. With Primal 24/7 they can see the potential, they can see that they really have choices, and they can see that they can free themselves with an alternative.”
For more information about Primal 24/7 Restaurant and Bakery, or to get in touch with Chef Ana Gonzalez or Health Coach Stevi Hardy, see or call 714-365-0612.
Hardy can be reached at 626-271-3341 or