Catholic Charities honor community worker


Catholic Charities Auxiliary Board members, President Phyllis Florentino and Vice-President Margo Lazzari, came to the Dec. 3 meeting of Catholic Charities Auxiliary Chapter II to honor Mary O’Hara. Florentino presented O’Hara with a Certificate of Appreciation for her many years of service as director and assistant director of Chapter II.

Catholic Charities Auxiliary Board members, President Phyllis Florentino and Vice-President Margo Lazzari, came to the Dec. 3 meeting of Catholic Charities Auxiliary Chapter II to honor Mary O’Hara. Florentino presented O’Hara with a Certificate of Appreciation for her many years of service as director and assistant director of Chapter II.

Lazzari presented O’Hara with a beautiful arrangement of flowers from Catholic Charities Auxiliary. Although O’Hara is bedridden, she continues to serve Chapter II currently as assistant director. She is an inspiration to all auxiliary members with her desire to help those who are in need,

Members of Chapter II enjoyed a small Christmas party prior to selecting the winners of their brief “No Frills Drawing” of November. Chapter II Director Laurie Bois was delighted to announce that $2,150 were raised by the generosity  of people who donated the gifts for the drawing and all the people who purchased their opportunity drawing tickets.

Mary O’Hara drew Charlotte McPherson’s winning ticket for the Grand Prize of a Time Share stay at a Vacation Resort, Worldmark by Wyndham, which was valued at $1,000 and was donated by Gwen Murphy. McPherson is a member of St. Irenaeus Parish in Cypress. She said that she had never won anything before and was very happy. She will be meeting with Gwen Murphy to decide where she would like to go for her vacation.

Other Chapter II members drew the names of the other winners. The second prize of $150 gift card for dinner for two at “The Ranch Restaurant and Saloon” in Anaheim, was won by Betty Romero of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Irvine. She said she is looking forward to dining at “The Ranch” and said it was the first time she had won anything.

The third prize of a Silver Bow Ring with little diamonds and a Silver Tennis Bracelet valued at $135 was won by St. Irenaeus Parishioner Kay Peterson. She also was surprised and said she had never won anything before in a drawing.

The final prize of two tickets to “Broadway on Ice” on Dec. 28 at the Cerritos Performing Arts Center, valued at $130, was won by Josie Ninofranco of La Palma who is also a St. Irenaeus parishioner and Chapter II’s Treasurer. She was not present at the drawing.

It was amazing that three of the four drawing prizes were won by St. Irenaeus parishioners!

Drawing tickets were sent to members of all the Chapters in Catholic Charities Auxiliary and also to friends and family members of Chapter II.

Catholic Charities Auxiliary Chapter II would like to thank everyone who participated in the “No Frills Drawing.” The proceeds from the fundraiser will be given to Catholic Charities to help the needy in Orange County. For more information about the “No Frills Drawing,” contact Catholic Charities Auxiliary Chapter II Director Laurie Bois at 714-600-0191.

Photo by Edna Ethington

Catholic Charities Auxiliary Board Members, Vice-President Margo Lazzari, standing at left, and President Phyllis Florentino, on the right, presented bedridden Mary O’Hara with a Certificate of Appreciation and an floral arrangement for her many years of service as Director and Assistant Director of Catholic Charities Auxiliary Chapter II.