70.3 F
Buena Park


Green screen filmmaking for teens

Make your own movie with a green screen backdrop at the library, on these dates at the the following library branches: Thursday, June 14, 3:30...

Billy Bonkers Magic Show

Billy Bonkers comes all the way from Britain to perform amazing magic tricks Thursday, June 28 at 4 p.m. at the Central branch of...

ANI-MOTION with Ken & Georgia Frawley

See animals jump right off the screen Thursday, June 28 at 3 p.m. at the Canyon Hills branch of the library.

Long Beach Symphony Instrument Petting Zoo

Participants will learn how instruments of the orchestra work, how they make different sounds, and how they fit into the orchestra as a whole...

Annie Banannie’s Big Balloon Adventure

Annie Banannie will use her Balloon Theater to transport the audience to far out and amazing places on Wednesday, June 27, at 11 a.m....

Anthony the Magic

Come experience this one-of-a-kind energetic performance Wednesday, June 27 at 5 p.m. at the Ponderosa branch of the library.

The Magic of Tony Daniels

Come to the library for a fun-filled magic show, with a lot of audience participation, fun comedy and more. Thursday, June 21, 3:30 p.m....

Chocolate Olympics

Get in the Olympic spirit and satisfy your sweet tooth at the library! Come for everything chocolate! Chocolate games, chocolate competitions, chocolate challenges and...

Flights of Fantasy Story Theatre

Story Theatre presents its new show, “From the Page to the Stage.” Filled with interactive and enchanted fables and folktales for all ages. Thursday,...


Kick off summer reading fun with STEM-based activities, popcorn, sidewalk chalk drawing and more. Saturday, June 16, 11 a.m. at the East Anaheim branch...
Buena Park Independent