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Fullerton Union High trustees endorse Quirk-Silva

65th Assembly District Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva announced receiving the endorsements of Fullerton Union High School Board members Andy Montoya and Joanne Fawley for her...

Submit a project for Love Buena Park 2018

Love Buena Park is back and it’s time to start submitting project ideas. The submission deadline is Friday, March 30. Love Buena Park is...

Students learn self-confidence through public speaking

Lions offer annual “Student Speaker Contest” By Loreen Berlin “Integrity and civility play what role in today’s society?” That’s the theme for the 2018 Lions International...

Magnolia School District generates sustainable energy

In Jan. 2017, Magnolia Superintendent Dr. Frank Donavan and the Board of Trustees recommended moving the District in a renewable energy, greener direction. The...

Help patients rebound by giving blood

In March, while basketball teams are fighting for the chance to be crowned champions, patients battling cancer and other illnesses are fighting for their...

Get ready for tax season

As tax season approaches, Orange County United Way, with support from Citi Community Development, is offering OC free tax prep, where households earning less...

Mayor’s Corner

By Virginia Vaughn On Feb. 7, I had the pleasure of presenting alongside City Manager Jim Vanderpool at the annual State of the City event...

All in the family for Riddlebarger and Buena Park

Fourth-generation local has an illustrious family history at Knott’s and in Orange County By Brooklynn Wong Orange County has changed a lot over the last century....

Record number of Californians apply for earthquake retrofit grants

Turnout shows growing concern about potential earthquake damage The Earthquake Brace + Bolt program (EBB), funded primarily by the California Earthquake Authority (CEA), closed its...

OC United Way offering free tax prep

As tax season approaches, Orange County United Way, with support from Citi Community Development, is offering OC free tax prep, where households earning less...
Buena Park Independent